October 05, 2009

Ridin' de bike mon!

This AM I opted to go on a bike ride. I have a goal in the back of my mind for riding up to Eugene. So this was the start of that, if you will. It was cloudy and cold but not threatening. The weather appeared to be cooperating. Dressing for success I went with the sweats with windbreakers and my handy gloves. I had a backpack in case I needed less layers. I filled a flagon of H20 and loaded the bike into the van. My route was pretty simple, start at Tinas work and ride home. I like the concept of going home better then a destination as it seems more relaxing at the end.

The drive was quick enough, we kissed goodbye and I mounted up. Immediately my eyes must have gotten very sad, as the tear ducts started flowing. This was followed by my nose. I made sure I was not crying with a quick mental check and continued onwards. I abated the flow of mucus from said nostrils by circling my breathing. In through the nose out through the mouth. This produces an amusing amount of steam. It was 42 degrees, so thats to be expected. Soon my various body parts figured out crying was no good and they settled down to a less embarrassing, internally containable flow.

My scientific mind would attribute the change in environment from the warm car to the cold air required biological adjustments, and as my body preformed them that particular function was running as required.

The town of Sutherlin quickly vanished as I rode past houses with increasingly sized yards in various states of tidiness. There was one sculptured lawn that gave me some mental notes for my own wild overgrowth. Soon I was on the lonely highway. Just me my bike and those few vehicles. I was actually moving along more quickly then I had considered. I was keeping a good 16 mph pace. At the 15 minute mark I stopped and drank some water, as I understand hydration is very important.

The hills were not difficult but they did require some effort and reduction in gearing. As I have not a clue what the shifting is supposed to be (as I am sure there are a multitude of opinions and facts on the subject) I kept the left gear on 2 (options being 1, 2, 3) and the right gear on 6 (options being 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7). For the hill I dropped down to 4 and on the flats got back up to 6. My MPH suffered a bit. The all to brief downhill did not play too much of a part in the entire trip.

Near our community collage is the bigger hill. At the top is a rural fire station. This gave me pause to drink more fluid. In anticipation of the next hurdle. The Umpqua bridge. This is a narrow two lane bridge that Trevor had much angst about the crossing. He recounted there being a near impossible turn, I myself was unsure of the height of the siderails, the thought of having a mishap over the edge was a minor consideration, but a consideration nonetheless.

As it turns out the rail was high enough, the sidewalk was single file narrow but ample for a deliberate rider. The turn at the end was easy to ignore with a bunny hop back to the pavement. This took me into the town of Winchester (don't blink!). I pit stopped for some calorie intake and found my legs stiffened up. Not sure if that was a good or bad idea, sitting there like that.

Back on the bike I started the gradual climb into Roseburg. I opted to have ear coverings, I hate when my ears get really cold. With the humidity in the air and the colder temperature they would have been aching. My toes got cold through my shoes. I have considered getting bike shoes that lock into the peddles. I need to make sure they are not vented in the front. Along the zipper of my jacket I noticed the cold creeping inwards.

All in all nothing uncomfortable or unmanageable as I crossed into the annexed city line. In hindsight I should have continued my 15min ride couple min break. but, I forgot.

As I headed down the last stretch I got fatigue. I geared down to my hill climbing 4 and still was having a tougher time riding. This was VERY noticeable, as I ride this way to and from work and I do so at a very brisk pace. It was then that my mind kicked me and said (DRINK DUMMY).

I stopped in front of the former nudie bar and finished off my liquid. It is astonishing how much that little break helped. I was in better form and even made the climb back up to my driveway.

Trip was 15.12 miles taking 1:08:13. This puts me around 15 mph (which is above goal! yeah me!). I burned around 890 calories.

So now for Ibuprofen, water and not moving all that much for recovery. My abductors felt thrashed and the connecting tissue on the right outer thigh (medial collateral ligament?) seems a bit distressed. Oddest of all my sternocleidomastoid muscle (left side back of neck from behind the ear down to the shoulder), is stiffer. I guess it is from bearing body weight from the handle bars. Not sure.

Good first ride!

1 comment:

- Rob said...

That sounds like a really nice ride. Way to go!

I don't do anything nearly as ambitious, but I do enjoy when I get out on the bike for a ride. We have some nice off-road trails along creeks and other "close to nature" (at least by our standards) areas that are good rides. I need to take more advantage of those.