June 05, 2010


So I have an interview on Monday and I am leaving on Vacation next weekend. It is the visit-in-laws, trip\vacation. Tina has a hurt shoulder that is in need of a treatment.

However, because it was a work injury she cannot get it treated or diagnosed. Not until the worker insurance collective says yes or no. Here is my rule, unless your hurt on the job in front of witnesses and need immediate assistance NEVER go with the workman's claim. It just delays and delays and delays treatment and jacks you up on pain meds.

If only Obamacare was working we would have gotten free fast quality healthcare! *cough*

So now we have a trip planned that may or may not interfere with my getting a job. Or Tina getting some treatment.

So here is what my fondest hope: Monday, Tina gets an up or down vote from SAIF, they get her in the MRI that day and interpret the results on Tuesday. Wednesday they figure out some treatment that helps. I nail the interview and get a job offer and they want me to start on July 5th.

Too optimistic?

1 comment:

keeka said...

Hey, that is what I will be praying for Lee! It is a big order, but we know that the Lord is a BIG God and I hope that is in his plan! Love to you all! I will be praying!