CBS created a poll just to get a news story. IMHO. The 34% approval rating was based upon CBS's posted numbers at the bottom of the PDF document. This is not representative of the population of the country.
Thats quite a legacy. At the height of its popularity there were the big two promotions with nationwide audiance, WCW backed by Ted Turner and the WWF. They had shows on the same night at the same time and it was great for the fans. Bret was the champ at WWF and was given an oppertunity at WCW for an ungodly sum of money. Bret, seriously did not know what to do, the owners of the WWF told him that they couldnt match that and he should take the money. So he did. This resulted in the 'screw job' which is still being talked about today. The DVD Wrestling with Shadows was being filmed at the time and they caught every nasty moment.
So Bret left WWF with less then a good taste in his mouth. WCW could never figure out a plan for him so he floundered around until a farily green wrestler gave him a career ending injury to the head.
Brets was one of 12 kids most of whom are in the wrestling business. After Bret and Stu, Owen Hart was arguably one of the most talanted of the brood. He was working for the WWF when an accident caused him to plunge from the rafters of an arena to his death. Bret held the McMahon's personally responsible.
The feud that followed was nasty and took place both in WWF WCW and in various newspapers that Bret's weekly column appeared. The WWF erased Brets existance, then bought WCW and thus owned the legal rights to everything Bret did.
Bret himself suffered a stroke before\during or after a bike accident and had to struggle back to being able to walk and talk again. Fast forward to last year. Bret was able to make a working relationship with the WWE and produce a box set of some of his best matches. Evidently this lead to his being nominated to the Wrestling hall of fame (owned by the McMahons).
Despite all that happened no one's life work should be erased out of a feud. So I'm happy that Bret is once again in the limelight.
I'm not a 'Drinking man' by any stretch of the imagination. I have never been drunk I have never had a hangover. I havent woke up not knowing what I did the night before. I have no idea what a 'good buzz' is like.
I attribute my tea totallying to two reasons. 1-I just never had a taste for it. 2-My sister in a very know-it-all manner informed me at the tender age of 13 that in a few years I would be drinking beer and enjoying the gusto... (I showed her).
My wife, Tina, was taken aback when it came up early in our dating that I was a non-drinker. It upset the balance of her universe for about thirty seconds. Add to that my lack of skills with Drug useage. I am just one of those clean cut kind of people that some do not feel exist.
Well in 2005 I found an adult beverage that I enjoy. Mikes Hard Lemonade. 5.2% Alc\Vol malt beverage with natural flavors... yum!
So we are in Canada and my in-laws find out and are both shocked and possibly relieved... not sure on that. Next thing I know a four pack appears. So Im imbibing and I notice that the taste isnt all that good. I wonder if I have aquired a dislike for it. Nope, here is the thing.
In Canada the same bottle of the same product is 7% Alc\Vol and is a Vodka drink. In short its a different product all together. Go figure....
Anyways Enjoy a Mikes and let me know what you think!
Equilibrium (2002) Directed by Kurt Wimmer.
Great action flick, over the top plotline and some questionable acting by Taye Diggs. It's a future society where emotions have been outlawed and supressed by the government as the cause of all things 'bad'. The top of the law enforcement is the violent monklike Grammaton Cleric's who are a force to be reconed with. Utilizing a gun kata that maximizes the kills in a given combat zone. Christian Bale is the lead (Batman Begins).
The best part about playing CoH is that my wife plays too. As our computers face each other it makes for easy teamming. We also have complimentary characters that provide great synergy as well.
This is a picture of my main character, Lady Grasp. Someone had beaten me to the name 'Grasp'... ah well...
The game is based upon superhero genre and takes place in Paragon City RI. You start by desiging a hero and costume from a set of Archtypes. My choice was a 'Scrapper' her main skill is Martial arts and her Secondary skill is Super Reflexes. in CoH speak.. {My AT is MA\SR scrapper} This means she engages in close quarters combat with punches and kicks and is very difficult to hit.
The game has a level 50 cap so once you reach that the only reason to play your main is for special events and or when you really want to kick the crap out of something.