May 08, 2007

Final System Operational

Got my system from UPS last night. The box is frigging huge! And over 70 lbs.

I had taken time on Sunday and Monday to move all the needed files over to various family USB memory keys. Got the case upgraded the Ram moved the components from the old system (left running on our local network).

Then after all the updates etc. I pulled WoW directly across the network. Turns out that WoW has no registry entries so it just runs no problem. This saved me about 10 hours of downloads.

Pulled off the bloatware. Installed the software. More updates etc.

Ready to roll! Fired up WoW and maxed out the graphics. Worked like a champ! Not sure where teamspeak hid its settings but I have to re-enter those.

Code Name: Big Red Kitty is online!

1 comment:

Tina said...

Trevor's comment: It looks like it's part of a jet engine.