April 18, 2008

Liberally thinking

We have a lady running for one of the county commissoners seats here. She used to be in the state senate. Her original platform was 'fiscal responsibility'. While a state senator she backed every tax increase bill that was put forth.

Yesterday at a forum she suggested that in the US, CEO income should be capped at 500,000.00 a year and the remainder be put into programs for the less affluent (read 'poor').

I see this as penalizing success and an attempt to kill the American dream. Needless to say, I have no desire to see her in office ever. (Her portfolio on her website lists the companies she was on the board of, all three of went from viable to closed down, bankrupt, with her on the board.)

I guess that makes her the perfect democrat??


flyingvan said...

The debate I had while crossing the picket line of the carrot scanners at Von's was, if you think the executives make too much money, become an executive. True, not everyone can be an executive, but when people settle for what should be a stepping stone position then put effort into fighting for higher wages instead of focusing on advancement through innovation, invention or education, the overall wealth of the nation doesn't go up.

Renee' B. said...

who is it this time thats kiling the office?

Unknown said...

So listing 3 failed companies on your resume is a good thing? I guess there won't be any way to follow up that way.

Obviously it wasn't her fault tho [ahem] but I seriously wonder how people like that sleep at night.

Hmmm... let's go choke a town next! Yeah! That's it!