June 18, 2008

It's not what you do its how you felt at the time?

There is a story on CNN about some students who plagurized and got caught. Thier parents went to the school board and got the teachers decision of failing marks for that assignement overturned, the reason being 'They didn't intend to cheat'

This reminded me of a Woody Allen joke: "I got caught cheating on my metaphysics final, I peered into the soul of the boy next to me"

Cheating as with crime needs access, availability and motive. Intent is not a factor. If you intended to talk to someone and ended up murdering them, I am pretty dang sure you 'intent' will not factor into an aquittal.

"Your Honor we find the defendent NOT Gulity of murder because he did not intend to do it"


Anonymous said...

I believe that intent is the difference between murder and manslaghter. Either way dead is dead.

flyingvan said...

I see many parents that put very little effort into raising their kids, then pull out all the guns to defend them when accused of anything. They helped cause the problem, then make it worse by teaching their kids how to weasel out of trouble instead of learning cheating is wrong and getting their lumps.

keeka said...

Yeah, all this rubbish about not letting kids fail in school is turning out great!! What? I don't get what I want? Gee, I think I will whine and moan about it until my parents fight for my "right" to it! Yeah, that is how the world works! Got a great email from a friend that had a speech from Bill Gates that basically bashed the whole concept of kids not being able to fail in school he basically said that that is NOT how the world will work. "You think your teacher is tough, wait until you have a boss!"
If anyone wants to see the full speech check out my blog.

ronnwaters said...

Well, of course it's the other students' fault for not covering up his answers well enough...
There was a story a week or so ago from Japan about the 2nd grade play the featured 25 Snow Whites. All the parents bullied the teacher and principal andschool board so their child could be Snow White and not a nasty ol' dwarf or especially the Wicked Witch. Here's the link: http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/asia/article4083278.ece
I have had parents get in my face about cheating, even after I show them the evidence they claim it could be "their" child.
Say it with me everyone: "The problem with public education is the public".