April 09, 2007


I'm having a tough time with household repars as of late. Our new bathroom had the lights go out. Blown breaker. No big issue. Head downstairs and hit the switch.

It wont reset. Make sure that there is nothing plugged in or anything and still... It wont reset.

Moved the wires to another breaker and it worked fine. So its not an overload.

Now then. This particular breaker is a GFCI and will throw over if there is a grounding issue. So that immediatly puts the breaker as suspect... Add to that the fact that there is a GFCI outlet in the bathroom (I had installed that and was told by an inspector to get a GFCI breaker so I just left it).

So its possible that the two are interfearing with each other.

So off to the store and get a new GFCI breaker ($40.00 YIKES!) and a new standard outlet (with a large cover for cosmetic reasons).

I installed the new outlet and the breaker resets! wooT! done! solved!!

..............not so fast bucko..................

The GFCI throws later and that puts me into the position of opening and setting in the new breaker. Dangit... that was going to be returned... ah well..

Then the breaker wont reset. Umkay... whats going on?

So I re-re-wire it back into a backup non-GFCI breaker and call up our local electrical shop and he gives me some stuff to look for. There is some kind of grounding out going on. So now to check the fan and lights...


So I got a new doorbell. and guess what. The doorbell chime starts going off and WILL not stop! I have to cut it at the wall. .... Grumble....

I hate not being able to fix crap...

1 comment:

Tina said...

You left out that our doorbell came with the house.

It plays about 50 little tunes, like a pre-midi chime.

Connor really likes it. We'd forgotten we had a bell since it's been broken so long. Trevor & Diana had even forgotten about it.

Heh. Door knocker is looking like a good option. ;)