April 04, 2007

Steve Story

I have a buddy from back in High School named Steve.

One time Steve needed to get some gear to the school for a chior trip around the state. At this point I was already graduated and Steve was a senior. The plan was: I would go to Steves, he would drive his gear over to the school, I would drive the car back to his house and head home.

Simple elegant etc. So its early in the AM I arrive. Steve is a little frantic as he was planning on getting up early and packing rather then packing the night before. So I helped him finding items and things while the clock ticked away. Finally with his luggage assembled and put in the back of the car he went to pull out into the driveway so I could get in the passenger side (not much room in the garage).

For some reason Steve decided to opt out of closing the driver side door as he backed out. Either he was showing off or thought he was saving the time needed to get in and out of the car, I dunno... Really I am at a loss to explain what was going on inside that brain.

Now as he backed out the door hit the edge of the garage door opening, and due to various laws of physical motion, Bent backwards.

So the car stops, Steve is looking shocked and puzzled and frenetic. The garage appears fine but the door is bent backwards at a good 45 degree angle. I myself am actively repressing the urge to laugh myself delirious. Steve locks eyes with me for a split second and with all speed vanishes inside the house.

The Door is truely bent, the glass is undamaged and the hinges as well. I am midway into this inspection when Steve emerges, fairly wild eyed, gripped in his hand is a standard bathroom plunger.

He moves to the door with steely determination and attempts to use the plunger to pull the BEND out of the door... yeah, BEND not DENT...

This fails and I voice the obvious. "ITS NOT A DENT ITS BENT"

So Steve has gone through the Anger, Denial, Bargining and hits Depression. He verbally tries to figure out how to cover his ass from his mom (who is working at this time and will NOT be home for several hours)

Steve himself will be on a trip for the next five days anyways.

So I assist him into the 'acceptance' phase by again stating the obvious: "There really isnt any way out of this one"

So we tied the door shut with a rope and traversed to the High School...

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