July 16, 2007


Being that my pop knows a thing or two about plumbing, he is periodically called upon to diagnose what some particular issue is with the plumbing of some house general plumbing knowledge.

He is a remarkable resource with a vast amount of knowledge and is generally spot on with his advice and solutions. My Pop is quite possibly the foremost expert on plumbing alive today. you would be hard pressed to find someone with his 70 years plus knowledge.

While he will gladly dole out advice and plans etc. It is very, very difficult to get him to 'stop by and take a look' at something (unless your family). He explained it to me this way "If you go do the work, there can be an expectation that you are going to maintain that if something goes wrong". As such the few times he did go help out, he would supervise and not accept any form of payment in any form. Making it more of a learning\teaching thing.

This attitude probably saved quite a few friendships.

1 comment:

- Rob said...

I remember your dad supervising our work when we dug the Great Bingo Trench across my parents yard. Another great example of teaching, but letting us do it.