January 25, 2010

Aged Man cometh. on skates, no less.

I had so much fun roller skating with Connor, I decided to go back last on my own. And thus injured my Extensor Digitorum Longus (pictured to the left). It was during a transition from forward to backward skating and I landed wrong. As far as crashes go it was a light fall, I felt a pull but then it subsided. So, of course, I ignored it and continued skating (Not quite sure why I have such denial about stuff like this).

I did get some anti-inflammatory and iced the area when I got home. The next morning PAIN when I stepped wrong. I stepped down carrying something and was forced to verbalize. Usually I can be quite stoic. The sudden jolt was more then I could subdue.

So another round of cold 15-min, hot 15-min, cold 15-min, hot 15-min, with more Anti-inflam. Today it feels much better. I can still step wrong, but I have a greater range of no-pain (if that makes sense).

I was feeling like maybe I should "walk-it-off" and do my normal work perambulation. Then my common sense finally kicked in and I am "taking-time-to-recover" instead.

Aside from that, it was quite a lot of fun and rather interesting from a observational perspective. If you have not been skating in years, I suggest you give it a go. Just start out much slower then you want to, or think you can.

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