January 14, 2010


Once upon a time I chose to become vegetarian. There are a plethora of reasons for this choice, some reasons better the others. That being said it was a personal choice and while I have little issue with advocating I do not proselytize.

Food choices become draconian with the understanding of awareness. Knowing something is bad is not the same as choosing something different. There is something in human nature that desired forbidding fruit. The concept that some kind of food is bad seems rather simplistic.

Is milk good food or bad food? If you Google this topic you will find lots of different viewpoints, some backed by studies. My daughter, for example, has an intolerance to the sugars found in milk. They cause discomfort to the point that she avoids Dairy products. In other words, she acts on her awareness.

There are interesting reactions to a dietary lifestyle, all the more so from the level of information this is based upon:
  • Direct observation of a small sample: "I have a friend who is vegetarian she looks sickly and frail"
  • Confusion of nutritional sourcing: "Where do you get protein?"
  • Misunderstanding of the concept: "I'm vegetarian too, but I eat fish, chicken and lamb"
  • Defensive acceptance: "I don't eat much meat"
  • The fallen: "I used to be Vegetarian"
Of course these are conversational in nature designed to show interest in the topic or person. The repetition over time from vastly different individuals is where my curiosity lies.

1 comment:

flyingvan said...

You left out "I have incisors and digestive enzymes designed perfectly to break down meat"