April 29, 2009
Stuck in my head
April 28, 2009
100 days of this!
Originally he said, "We can't keep looking to the past. We've got to look to the future here. So I don't think it would serve any purpose to prosecute or investigate former administration officials on these interrogations the CIA did." All of a sudden he changes his mind!
Obama doesn't know what he's doing, he has no clue what's going on in his own administration. Janet Napolitano said the 9/11 hijackers actually got into our country through Canada. The National Post in Canada has a piece asking how did this woman get her job? She says it's not a crime to illegally enter the country, she is in charge of Homeland Security!
It's embarrassing incompetence and inexperience.
Then we have the nominations of five tax cheats to his cabinet, including the man who oversees the IRS.
We have Obama's press spokesman, who makes a complete idiot of himself daily.
Proclaiming total transparency, while keeping secret who got the TARP funds, when, where, why.
Moved the census over to the Commerce department to politicize that.
UK Political humor.
The year is 1945 Clemente Attlee is prime minister. One day he is relieving himself in the restroom at the House of Commons. The door swings open; it’s the leader of the opposition, Sir Winston Churchill. Churchill spy’s the Prime Minister at the urinal and he strides purposefully to the furthest end. “Feeling a bit stand-offish today are we, Winston?” Asked Attlee.
“No” said Churchill majestically unbuttoning his fly. “But, whenever you see anything big, Clemente, you nationalize it.”
Notation: PM Attlee was Labour (Progressive party). Churchill was, of course Tory (Conservative)
April 27, 2009
The story thus far

April 25, 2009
I guess you have to play wow to get this...

Mage: Crap it failed, wait a few seconds and I'll try again.
Druid: Okay
Druid: Fail again? Want me to run back?
Mage: No...no. I'll get it. It just that my heals aren't very good at healing people.
April 24, 2009
Dat's spicy!

April 23, 2009
April 22, 2009
Happy Birthday Tina!

How to make your bank profitable
April 21, 2009
Some day, some year in June
Should we learn from history?
Out spending the cuts and engaging the enemy.
- Exercise Caution on Cuba. President Obama must now give his new policy time to work and discourage Congress from seeking to unilaterally lift restrictions on U.S. tourism and end the embargo. He should continue to press for reform, drawing high-level attention to Cuba's human rights situation and emphasizing the need for a democratic transition on the island.
- Keep Mexico on the Front Burner. Mexico is by far the most pressing regional challenge, one that requires the steady application of the Oval Office's influence. The Administration needs to focus on the delivery of promised anti-drug assistance. It can help by using the President to deliver a powerful message against drug abuse in the U.S. as a first step toward demand reduction.
- Complete Free Trade Deals. The Administration should avoid shadowy rhetoric about "partnerships" and "a new era in the hemisphere" and seal the deal by working with Congress to deliver approval of free trade agreements with Colombia and Panama.
- Tough Love for Chávez, Morales, and Ortega. Latin America's populist-authoritarian left says it wants good relations and its own "restart button." The Obama Administration must develop a results-oriented, "show-me" policy in response. Security concerns, economic policy issues, and the loss of democratic freedoms are challenges that must be addressed if there is hope for genuinely constructive relationships to develop between the U.S. and nations governed by the Latin American left. Photo-ops and populist dramatics make good media story, but they accomplish littl
April 18, 2009
If you pay people to be poor, you'll never run out of poor people
April 16, 2009
What would you think of this man???
Obama against?

April 15, 2009
The Holiday Conundrum
April 14, 2009
Graham Norton Show
April 11, 2009
How can you tell???
April 10, 2009
Charles Krauthammer, telling it like it is. Taking it to the "Man"
April 09, 2009
No Healthcare left behind.
- A new government health insurance plan.
- An employer “play-or-pay” mandate.
- A uniform, government-defined package of benefits.
- A mandate that individuals must purchase insurance.
- A National Health Insurance Exchange extending federal regulatory powers over private insurance.
- Federal interference in the practice of medicine through a federal health board, comparative effectiveness review, and other government intrusions into medical decision-making.
- Nine of 10 middle-aged American women (89 percent) have had a mammogram, compared to less than three-fourths of Canadians (72 percent).
- Nearly all American women (96 percent) have had a pap smear, compared to less than 90 percent of Canadians.
- More than half of American men (54 percent) have had a PSA test, compared to less than 1 in 6 Canadians (16 percent).
- Nearly one-third of Americans (30 percent) have had a colonoscopy, compared with less than 1 in 20 Canadians (5 percent).
April 08, 2009
USA looses at the G20 .
April 07, 2009
Anti-Market and Anti-Consumer, 2009 Energy Bill
April 05, 2009
Spritual beings having a human experience
April 04, 2009
Latest Global Temperatures.

April 03, 2009
Reliable Resources.
April 02, 2009
Value in meaning
Philosophical pursuit is done via a well reasoned argument. Every culture that advanced beyond the stone age has had theories of philosophy. These have been expounded upon by individuals and countered by other individuals. There has never been a consensus of thought for the reasons behind existence. I highly doubt there ever will be.
In reading about all the "isms" Rationalism, Empiricism, Skepticism, Idealism, Pragmatism and Existentialism. You realize this is all a spiritual pursuit. There are profound implications for how we could and should conduct ourselves, how we view and treat others. This enterprise can become quite absorbing.
It is a deeply rooted portion of our very nature. Why, do you suppose, we have such a deeply embedded need
Learning from History on Recession Fix
April 01, 2009
Imagine if...
Following Shoo's lead on ODS
If you cannot honor the man, then honor the office. If you cannot honor the office, then one more patriotic bond has been severed.
The office of the president has meaning and importance that transcend the views of its current occupant. Though elected by a part of America, the president becomes a symbol of its whole. The respect we accord him does not imply agreement or endorsement. It reflects our appreciation for constitutional processes. So a presidential visit is always an honor. The televised arrival of Air Force One, the motorcade, the playing of "Hail to the Chief," the audience standing as the president enters -- all these express a proper respect for presidential legitimacy.
special thanks to Mr. Gerson