October 20, 2009

Motivation and Lazy.

I am pondering celebrity. Is it about the fame, the lifestyle, the money, the power or all of the above? Entertainment is an odd thing, it starts with that one person in the tribe that can make the others laugh "with him". The cool thing is that part has never changed.

Somehow we as a group have misplaced awe about people due too their ability to entertain on certain media. While I fully agree that a great performance deserves credit, the actor is just another shlub with a job.

So you have a given performance, into a string of performances. That would indicate said schlub is good at said craft. As a group we should certainly recognize ability.

I would say the mastery of several entertainment crafts, writing and acting, singing and dancing, etc, would be your next level of performer.

Finally that special niche for those who excel at one area of performance. Jugglers, acrobats, and so on. While they are fairly stuck at what they do, they have become the art.

And still it would be about achievement. The did-you-see-when-they... of it all.

As a group we tend to "worship" based on silly criteria. I enjoy the writings of G. K. Chesterton. I do not understand the fascination around Paris Hilton. Guess which one is better known...

1 comment:

keeka said...

I am so there with you! Unfortunately, there is more of a fascination with "who did what with whom" than "who is fantastic at". I tend to be much more interested in the complexities of Cirque performances, verses whether Lindsey Lohan is or is not going to rehab.