November 05, 2009

And again

Sabotage? Possibly.

Weeks and weeks of calorie counting and exercise and I got sick and tired. I did not do the stuff I needed to do, as much as I hate to admit weakness.

I let the weekly calories sneak up to a sustainable level for my size. I have some doubts to the RMR .vs. my true blue RMR (which I understand can be actually calibrated). While I have not gained massive amounts, I had stopped short of my goal.

So I gave up for a week and just ate. Overate, as well. My system seems to have revolted a bit. Gastronomically I just do not feel all that great. As fun as that was, now it is back to the counting and loosing. I put in quite a few miles walking this week even with the gluttony.

I scrubbed my spread sheet and I am starting it up again today for a 10 week run that will have to take into account Thanksgiving and Christmas. At least I will have some challenges eh?

1 comment:

Tina said...

I started mine up again too. I am maintaining though, so as long as I continue to map my daily weight on my chart (I actually enjoy this), I always have a good idea of where I stand calories-wise. Save the cream puff for Friday, as it were.

I was very happy with the results of the calorie counting, especially since I've never maintained under my goal weight for anywhere near this length of time. I had even raised my goal by 3 lbs, because I was having such a hard time staying in the 7-lbs under goal where I'm supposed to be.

I've been at most 3 lbs away from the very bottom of my leeway for months now. That is very nice.

I would like to drop my goal down a bit more, which is why I'm starting the counting again now :)