November 24, 2009

Morbidly Fit

BMI scale is misused by Health Care professionals.

Lloyd was a work out partner of mine. This was not by intention, rather, by serendipity. As a newly wed I got a membership to Gold Gym and would start my mornings with a robust workout. I answered a bellowing call to spot Lloyds benchpress. After that he 'helped' me with my workouts. Even now the sore muscle memory hits me.

Lloyd was a Body builder, he had some success but would complain about the drug use. Also, the politics that made size more important then symmetry and definition. Lloyd was a Natural body builder and had to put in the hours instead of the juice. This was before the steroid issues blew up. Turns out he was spot on about the overuse. Anyways, this man was genetically gifted. He stood around 6'4" and 285 lbs. at 5% body fat. He was a regular marathon runner as well. Quick read. He was in shape.

Now in the course of human events he had a kid by someone he was not married too. He had left the lifestyle in order to provide for his kid. So he was working at the Oil Fields and working out morning and night.

Lloyd had tried to get life insurance, he was denied for being Morbidly Obese. This was done by someone sitting in a cubical looking on some actuarial charts. Fighting the system resulted in him driving all over the southland visiting various doctors and then going to others to confirm that he was NOT obese.

The Body Mass Index (BMI) is a statistical measurement which compares a person's weight and height to identify weight problems within a population. It was invented between 1830 and 1850 by Adolphe Quetelet, get that 19th Century!

Dr. GJ Hamwi's developed a more comprehensive formula designed for a person with a light, medium, or heavy frame.

For medium frame men: 106 lb for the first 5 ft; 6 lb for each inch over 5 ft
Weight for a Male 5 ft 11.5 in Tall: 175 lb
Light Frame: 158 lb
Heavy Frame: 193 lb

No formula can predict ideal body weight accurately. There are too many differences in body types, frame size and body composition. If you want to REALLY know, do an immersion test. Find out your body composition and you are better informed.

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