November 11, 2009

Probieren geht über Studieren.

Before the election, I read a lot of Obama's speeches and wondered why his orations were so exulted. I really did not see much in them. Thus, I was chastised by liberal's that reading was not enough, I had to listen to the nuance to really get the greatness of the man. I bing-ed a few and found him stammering and stuttering when off teleprompter. Again, not that motivational.

While he did say some things that I thought would be great to see to fruition, those things too were just hollow. Like most of his speeches now appear to be.

Barack Obama once said to Harry Reid, "Harry, I've got a gift." He was referring to his speeches. The ego of this man is amazing, he thinks that his speeches soar and lift people's souls and inspire them to great actions and deeds!

Speeches are words. Maybe if he revisited what got him elected? *sigh* He's not going to stop making these empty speeches. I can only continue to see how he is not\was not ready to lead.

1 comment:

keeka said...

In regards to any of Obama's speeches... I will admit, ok, I tried. It was incredibly hard to stay awake and quite frankly, I cannot make heads or tails of what he is saying. I am not a very politically savvy person, but even when I really concentrated, he ran on so much I forgot what subject he started his sentences with!
I told Carl that I tried to watch a speech, but that Obama's "uhh-ing" and long pauses made it almost impossible to watch. Carl asked right away if he (obama) was using a teleprompter. I said it was too boring to bother checking. ;p