November 30, 2009

Force Christmas down their throats and Make Em Like IT!!!!!

Last year I was lamenting on the commercialization of Christmas, until Steve V. set me straight.

No reason to participate in the "War on Christmas" angst.

Godless capitalism is what it has always been: godless capitalism. It has *always* longed to maximize spending and minimize our interest in things higher than this world. The task of keeping both Christ and Mass in Christmas does not belong to American industry, but to the Faithful.

One can certainly roll one's eyes at the naked worship of Mammon. But when you do that you should take a little responsibility too and chalk stuff like TV ads up, not to evil socialist atheists engaging in some nefarious leftist War on Christmas that has nothing to do with "conservative family values" but to good solid godless capitalism that is just trying to figure out how to shake the Money Tree more efficiently in a postmodern and dechristianizing culture.

Being disappointed and perpetually vexed because exploitive corporate entities you naively associate with childhood, Christmas and mistletoe are actually exploitive corporate entities is a waste of time.

Learn to separate out what is essential to Christmas from what has, in our culture, learned to parasitically feed off Christmas and retain your joy.

1 comment:

keeka said...

I have always loved the Joy of Christmas, I never dwell on the negative at Christmas time. For some reason to me it has been and always will be the season of giving! Even in this recession, I am enjoying making gifts for those who I can make for and buying gifts (small but thoughtful in nature)for those I cannot. I feel good when I find a gift that suits someone! All the ladies in Carl's family decided (including me) that the kids should get gifts but the adults will only exchange small homemade items! I love it! I can make cookies and earrings and I know they will enjoy them! There are a lot of ways to make the holidays happy including being reminded (easy as a Christian preschool teacher)of why we celebrate this time of year. It is hard to keep 4 year olds from thinking only of themselves, but I can try! We read the story of Christmas in different ways to keep it in their heads! It helps to know that we don't do the whole Santa thing. We talk about Character traits like Thankfulness (Nov) and Giving (Dec). It brings it all back to Jesus and His birth.