August 31, 2008
In Gods Hands
August 30, 2008
More on Gov. Palin
What better balance for the 71-year-old nominee who could be facing a 46-year-old man-child?
A former athlete and beauty queen, Palin's approval ratings hover in 90 percent zone. Palin became a public hero taking on special interests, who practically own the Alaska political establishment.
Forced to resign from the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission after complaining to Republican Gov. Frank Murkowski about corruption,she was banished to the political wilderness before coming back to defeat Murkowski in the GOP primary.
Palin forced the Alaska legislature into special session to increase oil taxes -- yes, that's oil taxes -- in Alaska, a Republican welfare state. And she vetoes public works projects.
She is a good one.
August 29, 2008
Sarah Palin VP
And the chance to be the first Female President of the US in eight years to boot!
It's a good day for America.
August 28, 2008
Collage Fiscals.
They produce pieces of paper that they had to an educated person. Who arguably has some kind of potential value to someone somewhere.
When Collages get an influx of money, it never seems to cause a drop in tuition. Rather its a name plaque on a building.
Why is it that people who speak about against Corporation Greed, turn a blind eye to Upper Education Greed? Instead I hear that the state and fed should send more money to these institutions.
August 27, 2008
Obama is suppose to propose a middle class tax cut. Pretty much what Clinton promised (then didnt deliver first term). He's going to end the ceiling on FICA taxes
The thought was he was going to bring income tax rate back up to what Clinton has, 39.6%."
So if Obama gets his way, you could see a combined federal tax rate of 55%.
Add in your federal income tax and Social Security and Medicare, your paying 55 to 60%
So, if you think that certain people should pay more in taxes you would be very happy.
Political discussions in MMORPG's
In reality it is an anonymous soapbox for various topics that is arguably misused.
Recently while we all were sitting around misusing the channel when someone pointed out that China has a great economy and is proof that communism works. My response was that slave labor can do wonders for an economy.
August 26, 2008
Michelle where art thou?
Here was a shining chance to answer the critics and make the case for Barak and instead, it was just something that looked prepackaged to appease someone.
Since Delta Joe jumped onto the Barak Bandwagon, I figured there was some compelling reason. I am not crazy about McCain, however the more I hear and see about Mr. Obama the less I want to see him in the oval office.
Actually if he had been a VP pick with Hillary as nominee I think it would have been quite a dynamic ticket. The convention still has a week to go. Its looking to me like this is McCains election to win or loose.
August 25, 2008
Pelosi = stupid
Further: “over the history of the church, this is an issue of controversy.”
Like the Catholic Church has not weighed in on the issue... What amazing denial or pathological.
Lets put the no-compromise argument of abortion aside. To state that the Church is in debate about these issues is amazingly ignorant.
August 24, 2008
bad decisions by Rich businesses.
In the mid-1970s, executives at the W.T. Grant variety store chain, one of the nation’s largest retailers, decided that the best way to increase sales was to increase the number of customers … by offering credit. It put tremendous "negative incentive" pressure on store managers to issue credit. Employees who didn’t meet their credit quotas risked complete humiliation. They had pies thrown in their faces, were forced to push peanuts across the floor with their noses, and were sent through hotel lobbies wearing only diapers. Eager to avoid such total embarrassment, store managers gave credit "to anyone who breathed," including untold thousands of customers who were bad risks. W.T. Grant racked up $800 million worth of bad debts before it finally collapsed in 1977.
Good list.
August 23, 2008
Biden on the ticket
- Biden on Meet the Press 2002, subject: Saddam Hussein: “He’s a long term threat and a short term threat to our national security… “We have no choice but to eliminate the threat. This is a guy who is an extreme danger to the world.”
- Biden to the Brookings Institution in 2005: “We can call it quits and withdraw from Iraq. I think that would be a gigantic mistake. Or we can set a deadline for pulling out, which I fear will only encourage our enemies to wait us out — equally a mistake.”
- Biden in an interview with the Huffington Post, assessing Obama and Hillary Clinton: “The more people learn about them (Obama and Hillary) and how they handle the pressure, the more their support will evaporate.”
Hmmm, maybe McCain shoulda picked him up:
Biden August 2, 2005: “John McCain is a personal friend, a great friend, and I would be honored to run with or against John McCain, because I think the country would be better off,"
August 22, 2008
Michael Phelps? Meh..
(no peeking)
During the three Olympics held between 1956 and 1964, this olympian garnered nine golds, five silvers and four bronzes. Total of 18
Russian gymnast Larissa Latynina holds the record for the most number of medals.
August 21, 2008
You would be happy when events occur that limited the populations growth.
Plagues, famine, natural disasters and war would be a good for 'saving' the planet from over population. Cause for celebration?
August 20, 2008
Vacation-reunion spot.

Here is Connor on the doc on lake Cuyamaca (The name is a Spanish corruption of the Kumeyaay phrase "'Ekwiiyemak", which approximately means "the place where it rains"). It actually reminded me of a dry spell in Oregon without as many trees.
If you look up inbetween the trees you will see the condo\cabin that we got to stay in. Shoo's family stayed on the other side. This was very nice in the late evening as Tina and I got to sit with Pam and Shoo, be treated to Pam's collection of savory tea's and just unwind and chat.
The next night Byron, Paula and Vince joined us as well with adult beverages and some pretty good stories. Really a nice way to end a really fun day.
Flying Van (Steve) really pulled together a wonderful time.
One of the activities was puttering around the lake in a large pontoon boat. We got dropped off at the lakeside resturant for lunch and Carl and Cole picked us up afterwards. Our Celeste made Yellow shirts really made locating each other simple.
Getting off the boat onto the doc was less then graceful for us due to the difference in height.
Great set of memories to relive in my mind though.
I do have to say Steves much better half, Annamarie has to be the sweetist, nicest , most generous, person ever to grace the planet.
Guess you and I both married above what we deserved, eh Steve *wink*
Oh, yeah, 20 years ago Tina and I tied the knot.
August 19, 2008
Connor moments
There were just too many people for him to learn all the names. Although after a subtle hint from Shoo (pointing to his shoes), Connor quickly caught his name was Shoes, and refered to him as such.
The condo was referred to as the 'sleep house' and after a good 10 hours on a trampolene in the sun he really wanted to go there.
"lets go to Steves" was his most requested thing, and he associated Steve with Steves. Steve further endeared himself by placing connor between various pillows and making a Connor sandwich. To which Connor giggled and squeeled 'STEVE! what are you doing?'
Then there was his dutifully repeating the Leo line from Titanic while at the front of the pontoon boat, "I'm KING OF THE WORLD" immediatly followed by turnning and requesting applause.
Everyone was very accepting and kept an eye out for him, even the kids. Connor was all smiles throught the bulk of the trip. One or two smallish incidents that were cringe worthy.
My favorite Connor moment was near the end of the weekend while at Steves hand made cabin saying goodbye. Connor, dutifully giving hugs of goodbye all around, came to Byron looked up at him and with a big grin hugged him and said "good bye Scat-Man"
Which caught all of us off guard and still brings a grin to us.
..more reunion stuff to follow.
Long @$$ drive
Why so tired? Well...
Monday morning we packed up the lake overlooking condo, did a Geo-Cache (Steve & Rob are bastages) and hit the road around 9:30am. We gassed up near Escondido, at lunch in Upland, at dinner in Santa Nella topped off someplace south of Redding and arrived at home 2:40am.
I'm thinking next time we go by rail.
To any and all we are safe home and unloaded memorys and flash cards for upcomming posts.
hope the rest of you safely made it home.
August 13, 2008
Georgia conflict .vs. nominee's
MCCAIN: This pattern of attack appears aimed not at restoring any status quo ante in South Ossetia, but rather toppling the democratically elected governor of the republic of Georgia. This would be unacceptable to all the democratic countries of the world and should draw us together in universal condemnation of Russian aggression.
Pretty straight forward response I thought, measured and explained.
OBAMA: We should continue to push for a United Nations Security Council resolution calling for an immediate end to the violence It's a clear violation of the sovereignty and internationally recognized borders of Georgia. The UN must stand up for the sovereignty of its members and for peace in the world.
This is bizzare, Russia is on the UN security council and has veto rights on any action. Also, Obama stops short of condeming the actions of Russia
THE PRESIDENT: There's evidence that Russian forces may soon begin bombing the civilian airport in the capital city. These reports are accurate. These Russian actions would represent a dramatic and brutal escalation of the conflict in Georgia. These actions would be inconsistent with assurances we have received from Russia that its objectives were limited to restoring the status quo in South Ossetia that existed before fighting began on August the 6th. These actions have substantially damaged Russia's standing in the world. And these actions jeopardize Russia's relations with the United States and Europe. It's time for Russia to be true to its word and to act to end this crisis.
Concise, explained with condemnation and not passing anything to the impotent UN. Also, invoking the diplomatic understandings between the US and Russia.
August 12, 2008
Alternative Energy! (cuz increasing oil supply is bad)
On little snag is that fusion at room temperature is deemed impossible by every accepted scientific theory. It works fine in stars. If controllable cold fusion proved possible, many of the world's energy problems would melt away
The US Department of Energy is interested. In December 2005, after a lengthy review of the evidence, it said it was open to receiving proposals for new cold fusion experiments.
This is the same DoE that concluded in a report back in 1990 the original cold fusion results, produced by Fleischmann and Pons of the University of Utah, were impossible to reproduce, and thus probably false.
August 11, 2008
A theory 'bout peeples.
2. People, in general, despise being told what they should do.
If you tell someone what to do their reaction will be based upon your position of authority.
If you are in distress being told what to do can be a relief (although, you may still despise being told)
The bestest way to tell someone what they should do is via a sales pitch. This can fool the person into thinking they came up with what they should do on their own (this is the method used by politicians)
August 10, 2008
Must listen till the end.
Now try to get this song out of your head.
August 07, 2008
What worth a beloved pet?

August 06, 2008
True Presidential "debate"
In the 'everyone has a soap box' day we are free to post opinion as fact, contridition as soul proof and ridicule for not accepting a premise, flawed or not. Yes, I too am one of those opinion spouters.
So a buddy of mine recently deconstructed an opinion as fact editorial blog in such a sublime manner I was made to think more on what a debate is .vs. what it seems to become.
Debate, in political arena, is not a debate at all rather a posing and soundbite compitition with aftermath of spinning it as a victory reguardless of what actually occured. So style over substance and perception over reality.
Public debate are two teams of two. Each team is given their topic with the side at the beginning. The teams are given 15 minutes to create an outline before they begin. The topic of the debate is unknown until the start of the debate, it requires little planning and a wide knowledge of topics.
I would love to see a couple of Prez .vs. Prez nominee teams engage in this kind of debate.
August 05, 2008
MMORPG's appeal

House of Teens
So we have seven people here. It's fun actually. Busy, the fair is in town.
Rodney Atkins plays tonite.
The Doobie Brothers play Wednesday.
Bad Company and The Edgar Winter Band Thursday.
Kellie Pickler rounds it out on Friday.
With the standard rides, games and booths.
Unlike the OC fair I grew up with, our fair is something I can go to every year. Not sure why.
August 04, 2008
Fixing Schools?
Year long weekly committee meetings to resolve issues like 'communication', the first six of these meetings outline the problems. Contract negotiations with budget busting agreements that both sides 'agree' on. Retirement packages that pay 100% of original salary. etc.
My personal feeling has long been the lack of a 'bottom line'. That is to say, in business, if you do not make x-amount of money to cover expenses you either cut back or go under. Voucher programs kinda can do that, however you run into really bad situations with special needs kids.
I ran across this interesting article Swedish School system. So I looked deeper.
in 1992 they moved to private run schools using public monies. The students are learning, the teachers, while concerned about job security, are enjoying being able to teach subjects, not to tests. Even the Swedish Teachers' Union now doesn't "have an opinion about which owner (i.e., the state or private enterprise) is better."
I have been unable to see how they handle special needs. But, I am still digging.
August 03, 2008
Indian Food
I recently added a gadget to my igoogle page to search out veggie Indian recepies.
I came across this gem called Onion Chutney. Seeing as how I am a fan of Maui onions I looked at the ingrediants:
onions - 6 to 8 (No problem, I can just get 6 big maui's)
tomatos - 3 (Get three nice ripe ones)
red chillies - 8 to 10 (indian Chili's are thin, red and usually dried. Flakes can work)
garlic - 5 to 5 flakes minced (um... Garlic flakes... quick google search finds them:
corainder - 1/2 bunch (easy)
comin seeds - 1 tsb (cumin??)
gingly oil - 1/4 cup (wtf? oh Sesame oil. whew)
Now instructions: Fry the cumin seeds and onions until onions become transparent.Then fry the tomatos until it is well cooked.Now switch of the gas and allow it to cool little bit.Now add the red chillies, garlic, coriander leaves, salt and little bit of water.
This chutney should not be loosy. If it is too spicy add little bit of oil.
If I can just make sure the Chutney is not loosy I'm good to go.
August 01, 2008
Oil .vs. Government