November 05, 2009

Harness the laughter, find the source!

It is a given that Connor is going to share something he finds funny. His days are a good 90% smiles. An infectious smile at that, with a twinkling of the eyes that you know his cleverness.

His humor is such that he will find something amusing and crack himself up. Peals of laughter is the term I would use. Now, figuring out why something is funny is another matter.

With kids in general you can become perplexed at what they view as the end all be all in humor. With Connor his enthusiastic enjoyment makes that perplexing shared item funny regardless of the what.

Case in point: "I'm the Captain, I love pools, pools, pools, pools." This is sung in a short sing-song manager, followed by laughter, then repeated a few times.

Along with head scratching bewilderment, Tina and I find ourselves rattling off this little ditty. This has been going on for several months. Most times our older two discover the origins. This time no such luck. It stayed beyond our scope of understanding. In truth this is not something doggedly persued, it is just a passing "WT* is that?" sort of thing.

"I'm the Captain, I love pools, pools, pools, pools."

So there was a conjunction of sorts, earlier in the week. I had the curiosity about the ditty at the same time Connor was skimming You Tube.

"Connor, show me I'm the Captain, I love pools, please?" He did his happy squeal and started typing in Google search, 'Water of Doom' this brought up a 32 second film clip.

I must caution you that this clip is not all that. I recommend you can stop it after 10 seconds to get the part that Connor likes. Oh the sound on it is REALLY LOUD!

Connors singing of "I'm the Captain, I love pools, pools, pools, pools." is much superior...

1 comment:

Tina said...

Gee thanks - now that's stuck in my head again.