November 20, 2008

Family Matters

Let me go out on a limb here and propose the following crazy theory...

The best family situation occurs with two caring parents consisting of one male and one female. One of which is an involved stay-at-home parent the other is a competent provider. The further you move away from this ideal the situation worsens.

So if you have one caring parent, its less then ideal. etc...


Joedelta said...

Even if for the sake of argument we accept that, I think that two loving parents of the same gender is closer to your ideal than one. Since we just outlawed gay marriage, should we outlaw single parents, too? Divorce?

Also, an extended family -- grandparents and cousins and such -- is better than a nuclear family.

I could find no data to support the theory that heterosexuals make better parents.

Unknown said...

First off my theory has nothing to do with setting laws. just a statement of belief.

I would agree that two parents are better then a single. I have a good idea that the majority single parent would like to have a caring partner assisting.

Divorce is such a damn casual thing.

My theory is limited but not exclusive to a nuclear family. An extended family could be good or bad or a combination of both. The uncle who molests the kids, being an example of bad.

I could not find any data that supports homosexuals make better parents either. Not sure why that would be relevant.

Stella by Starlight said...

Certainly, gay couples don't make worse parents. I think Joe's point is that it's relevant only in the sense that some people are so homophobic, they find any excuse to stop gays from adopting children.

I like the idea of an extended family if a "traditional" family doesn't work. Although you are right that this option could be good or bad, depending on the circumstances.

With a positive extended family, a child would receive love, caring, and guidance from more than just two people. Perhaps receiving love from even more than two people is even a better option.

It's an important thought, Lee.

flyingvan said...

Anecdotal evidence only---Gay parents do not make better parents. The (admittedly, few) kids in our school with gay parents have significant behavioral issues. You'll have a tough time convincing me that an adult woman, AND an adult man, don't bring significant unique components into a child's development. Add to that the situation where these two love each other, AND their love lead to the creation of this child, AND this genetic connection is present......Sorry, but this is the optimal scenario. Anything trying to deconstruct this is spin. When a gay couple wants to adopt it's for their benefit, like an accessory, trying to legitimize their relationship. It's not for the child's sake. It's still preferable to no parents at all, however.

Unknown said...

The, "trying to legitimize a relationship," reason for adopting or pro-creating a child is NOT exclusive to a gay couple.

Renee' B. said...

omgh....Lee said damn...omgh thats like the first time i have "heard" of such a word out his mouth!! lol

keeka said...

Working at a Christian preschool I see mostly families that nuclear. There are a few single moms and so far the only problems I have seen with them is a lack of understanding even what a "Daddy" is! I have one child that calls her mom's boyfriend "UncleDaddy". Don't know how that will play out later! I do know that even though my belief is that a family is Husband+Wife=Children, I have to agree that gay couples who have been together many years with a stable relationship are better for children then say constantly changing foster care.