November 02, 2008

Our Entertainment Escape.

Americans watch too much television. It is not uncommon to see a TV in every room of the house and in some cases, running 24/7.

We got a TiVo and cut back on watching the tube. Instead of sitting down and hunting, we see if something we recorded is on.

TV used to be the magic glowing box that connected us (one way) to the rest of the world. Prior to that there was Radio, before that Newspaper, then town criers. So the microcosm of life would have been quite different back then. We now have the Internet and computers and while they are the primary connector to the planet for most of us, cell phones are poised to overtake the PC.

Television for all of its glory could do a fade out. Even now, if you miss a show you can watch the stream. It would be quite a reversal for the industry if standard television production went bye bye.

And it is happening. If you did not catch Doctor Horrible. That was the first baby steps into uncharted entertainment. There is still quite a hang up with how something looks, and linear production, that will change.

Smaller studio's, single brand advertisement, focus on quality over eye candy. It is going to be interesting to see.

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