September 05, 2008

So whats important to me politically?

I guess its a good question to be asking around election time.

Right now it would be money or income. Job creation in rural area's. Government really cannot do much about that directly. They can make a business friendly environment. Creating government jobs is a really bad idea.

I want conservation over environmentalism, scientific debate over consensus, action that is not reaction, energy generation that is thoughtful and domestic, health care that eliminates bureaucracy, education not based on mandates, tolerence that isnt stupid.

I want a government that has a bottom line, not an expanding one.

...thats pretty good start...


flyingvan said...

The answer's deregulation. What was the question?

ronnwaters said...

What caused airline service to get crappy?

flyingvan said...

Fat people, unions, and expensive Jet-A. Deregulation did a lot for air traffic control a few decades ago; actually could be the posterchild.

ronnwaters said...

Good points, but you neglected asking for a soda and only getting a tiny plastic cup, not the whole damn can.

flyingvan said...

Maybe they are trying to mitigate the first problem? Garrison Keillor thinks the whole turn of events for the country was when coke bottles went from 6 ounces to 12. 6 ounces was just enough, and you'd have one on a weekend instead of a 128 ounce big gulp on the way to work every day.

Bob Keller said...

Lee, I like your political positions. I couldn't agree more.

Unknown said...