“To the families of special-needs children all across this country, I have a message: For years, you sought to make America a more welcoming place for your sons and daughters,” she said. “I pledge to you that if we are elected, you will have a friend and advocate in the White House.’’
What I want in the VP chair.
I think you hit on something, perhaps without even knowing it. People often vote with people they feel they can identify with. Even if it is one issue, they will hop to, and align themselves, forgetting what all the other person stands for and does not stand for.
So, I think you are right that Palin will appeal to a group of parents who so desperately need someone to care. But that would be a shame, because there are so many more issues than just that one, and Palin represents the "me" party, not the "us" party. She may care about her own son's problems, but she does not care enough about yours to promote affordable healthcare or homecare for his/her special needs.
She will exploit the pain and struggle of special needs children and their parents, but not do one damn thing to make life better or easier for any of them.
I agree that people vote for people they can identify with or agree with as far as values and ideals go.
Anytime a government offical says "they care", they are selling something. It's there nature.
From the contrast between Biden Obama and Palin McCain, I find Palin, McCain are wanting to serve the people of the US.
Belive it or not that was after much looking at the solutions offered and what they have done .vs. what they have said.
The Obama solution for affordable healthcare is horrible.
After posting that it occured to me that, Gov. Sarah Palin is me, in a lot of ways.
She loves this country, warts and all.
If they have the right answers, and if she is so incredibly right for America, why are they hiding her? Why is she not on all the news talk shows discussing her plans and stances like the other three are? What is the McCain camp afraid of? Might it be that so many who are snowed will become enlightened by how extreme she is? Or, by her lack of knowledge (anyone can sound knowledgible in a well written speech).
Are you aware of how extreme right she really is? I mean, if you are that far right leaning, fine. Its your right to be, but be aware of who and where she is.
What specific plans from the republicans are you speaking of? Obama's long speech noted what he plans to do. Palin just said who she was, established herself as a great speaker, as an attack dog, as someone who can get really sarcastic, and someone who would advocate for special needs children. In what ways would she advocate? Where are the specifics?
What other plans did she outline? What specifics did you hear?
There were none so far. They simply kept saying the democrats would kill them with taxes.
Why are people so opposed to spending some of their copious wealth on those who need their help? That is why over at my site, I said we value US and they value ME. You will not hear me complaining about any increase in taxes... if they even affect me since I am not in the upper tier they talk about raising taxes on.
Where do you think funding for special needs children will come from?
Sorry I took up so much of your comment space with my words. I am aware it is YOUR site, not mine. My apologies. I will shut up now. Come over and talk on mine awhile :)
You present the flawed premise that she is being hidden. There are many weeks left, maybe they do not follow your timetable.
I laughed when you wrote ("anyone can sound knowledgible in a well written speech)" Uh...uh...uh..uh.. {funny but off topic}
Next you use the 'extreme' smear. That snarkyness aside, Yes, I have read many reports\blogs\newsfeatures about what she has accomplished and attempted to accomplish.
Oh, and historically the VP is the attack dog, just like Biden. You have to know that.
People are opposed to throwing money away. They want value not waste. The growth of government over the last 8 years and the wasteful spending is what people are opposed with. Throwing money at problems doesnt work, so lets try something that does.
My wife works with special needs. I see the red tape that keeps special needs kids wanting.
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