May 12, 2009

California .vs. Obama Depression.

California has the economy of a country.  They are facing some major hurdles, namely a 21.3 billion dollar shortfall.  Long ago their Spectorish Republican Governor gave up fighting the spending.

Now it is in the hands (and wallets) of the people.  If the people do not bend over and take the budget related ballot measures then something draconian will have to be done.

Two budgets are supposed to hit on the 14th, one if the people say yes, another if they say no.

The Obama Depression machine has already done more to redistribute money and loose wealth with no sign of stopping this year.  I am personally wondering if this is not his goal?  

So in its dire straights with a huge pork stimulus bill, what would Obama do to help out California?  Why threaten to pull stimulus if his beloved unions are cut. Ouch!  What was it Clinton said?  Oh yeah, Illinois thug tactics.

During this Obama economic depression all the companies are downsizing to survive, they are also afraid of what the government might decide to do to them.  Central control is a scary thing.  Oh one sector is hiring, the government, they are adding more and more positions as they print more and more money to pay for these "needed" services.  Think about this, every government job has to be paid for with public taxed funds.  That means anyone who DOESNT work for the government pays for those who DO.

Again, let your congressmen know that spending more money then you have is a bad idea.  

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