July 27, 2009

Back to where I started (Eliptically speaking)

My Brithday Today! I feel required to mention that 60 pounds of me did not make the entire trip this year. Sorry, I am just well pleased with that little aspect of my life.

I am not a real birthday person. I have a difficult time coming up with things that I want to do or have or whatever. My favorite birthdays are when someone inserted me into plans and I kind of get to go along for the ride. Last night Trevor (my eldest) offered to take me out to breakfast, at Subway... (yeah, me too.) He also wanted to bike ride there. It is just over a mile from our house so that is not much of a bike ride. Considering I am riding more and longer distances now.

Subway is a pretty inexpensive outing and even if they are lacking in the breakfast arena, I do like the veggie subs. So it was a good choice for him and for me. Going back to the offer and acceptance this is how it went down.

T: "Dad? I was wondering if I could take you out to breakfast for your birthday?"
Me: "That sounds fine."
T: "Subway, if that's okay. And we can bike ride."
Me: "Subway, eh? Okay sounds like a plan."
T: "So you'll need to get up early."
Me: "Oh? I get up around 5:30, so just how early?"
T: "Oh... um well how about 9:00 ish?"
Me: "Sounds fine" (at this point I am smiling, amused at what counts as early)

So this morning I get my Coffee, my Happy Birthdays from Tina, Connor and Diana. They disperse to various points in Roseburg, while I plunk out some online snippets.

Finally the Elder awakens showers and I await his beckoning. (This is his show so I sit back and wait for the motivation to hit him). Finally he asks if I am ready to go. I am. The bikes are in the patio, and I hear a tragic cry\moan. His tire is flat. While I have gone over tire changing in the past, it has been quite some time. So we start the morning with "fix-the-tire." That goes quick, but I do not have a pump so its a walk to the gas station (this is about 1/2 a mile). Air up and head to Subway. The breakfast it not looking delicious, if your a sandwich shop, named after a particular type of sandwich, stick with what you know...

We sit down for a gnosh and T offers to head to the hobby store. I am not all that into train stores so I counter with Wal-Mart to run an errand. Being my birthday he agrees, you can tell it is not a joyous agreement. It totals nine miles round trip, We go along the river, through the park, along the busy road (we have one in town). Under the tunnel, to Wally World then back again following the back route. We get stuck by a train and I make it home just in time to walk the two miles to Tina's work.

Tina, Connor and I are going to pic-nic at the river. I am fairly hot and sweaty by now. I definitely burned some calories.


shoo said...

Happy birthday not so big anymore guy!

Bob Keller said...

Happy (belated) Birthday! Loved the story. You are a great guy.