July 09, 2009

Discounted, discounts.

I came across this website. It is a blog site where people find those insane deals you hear about and post how to get them.

There seems to be quite a few things I am not interested in (bulk insulated stainless steel bottles). However, this might just be the bee's knees for someone out there. As per usual you can sign up for spam e-mails, which may not be your cup-o-Jo.

On a side note.

Our main money saving method is the meal planner. This is a pain in the rump but pays dividends quickly. Get fourteen days worth of meals and recipes. Write the days and foods on a refrigerator list, you will cross the meals off as you go. List the ingredient's for each recipe on a shopping list. mentally go over each meal and what condiments you want so you have a comprehensive list.

I like to do this on a spread sheet then sort the items and consolidate. Next I will group according to where in the store to find them. If your familiar with spread sheets this goes quick.

|Item | Quantity | Location in store | Coupon | meal used with | Best price |

If your really into the work a little save a lot you plug the best prices into the spreadsheet and over time you will know the buy in bulk price. So you take your shopping list, go through the cuppboard and check off what you have plenty of, hit the store. Now you have two weeks worth of meals, a reference guide to know what you can make and a database for long term savings. This cuts down on trips to the store and trying to figure out, whats for dinner. We have the big trip then the next weekend a fresh fruit and veg.

Two weeks is enough variety that you do not get the "Oh no not this again" comments going. Also, you can add new recepies to the list and take out tired ones. Or make it seasonal, so your not using the oven when its freeking hot outside.

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