December 31, 2009
Angel Time!
December 30, 2009
The 'Stimulus' Picture Crumbled (Brent Bozell)
On December 22, the networks calmly, briefly, and quietly acknowledged the news that the government revised its economic-growth number for the third quarter downward, from 3.5 percent to a less impressive 2.2 percent. As 2009 comes to a close, the media elite are showing enormous patience with the pace of a recovery, without any troublesome talk of whether Barack Obama’s dramatic expansion of government is helping or hurting the economy.
Back in 2004, when unemployment was 5.4 percent instead of the present-day 10 percent, these same networks were comparing George W. Bush to Herbert Hoover. The government announced 250,000 new jobs were created, but the anchormen talked incessantly about how Bush was losing unemployed voters in Ohio. The Business and Media Institute found 77 percent of reports on economic indicators on ABC, CBS, CNN, and NBC (as well as The New York Times and The Washington Post) were negative that summer.
The economy can no longer be blamed on Bush. Obama has shaped it with his fiscal policies. He owns it. So when wil his allies in the press ever acknowledge that the "jobs program" is a fiasco, and that Team Obama failed to match its own hyperbole on what the "stimulus" would accomplish?
Words mean something. Before he was even in office in January, Obama’s economic advisers Christina Romer and Jared Bernstein issued a report on the economic situation. If nothing was done, they claimed, the unemployment rate would keep rising, reaching 9 per cent in early 2010. But if the nation embarked on a fiscal stimulus of $787 billion, the unemployment rate was predicted to stay under 8 percent.
So the Congress passed this massive spending plan, but instead, unemployment rose above the danger zone that these Obama advisers predicted if the spending plan did not pass. But you didn’t see Katie Couric, Charlie Gibson, and Brian Williams pointing accusatory fingers at the White House economists for their utterly incorrect projections. It’s as if they have their fingers crossed – hoping, hoping things somehow improve.
Worse yet, in December the president announced his support for a second "stimulus," sneakily taking $150 billion in unused TARP funds for preserving the banks and pouring it down a liberal "recovery" rathole. When at first you make a fiasco, try, try again?
When will the media acknowledge what they ought to be able to deduce from the ossified economies of Western Europe, never mind the pulverized economies of Eastern Europe? Yes, government can save government jobs – as Obama’s "stimulus" was broadly spent in preserving positions for schoolteachers, public librarians, and employees at community health clinics – but it can’t create and maintain private-sector jobs, or force the private sector to create and maintain jobs.
Christina Romer, who became the chair of Obama’s Council of Economic Advisers, estimated that increased government spending would add $1.57 to GDP for every $1 spent, while $1 of tax cuts would add only 99 cents. But a vigilant media would have noticed what economist Greg Mankiw did: that Romer wrote a paper with her husband David in 2007 that found that each dollar of tax cuts has historically raised GDP by about $3 — three times Romer’s new estimate.
Harvard economists Alberto Alesina and Silvia Ardagna recently conducted a comprehensive analysis for the National Bureau of Economic Research. They looked at large changes in fiscal policy in 21 nations in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. They identified 91 episodes since 1970 in which policy moved to stimulate the economy. They then compared the interventions that succeeded with robust growth, and those that failed to deliver.
The results were crystal clear. Successful stimulus depended almost entirely on cuts in business and income taxes. Failed stimulus occurs mostly with a strategy of increases in government spending.
Is it really rocket science to suggest businesses will not go on a hiring binge when the liberal agenda in Washington – on health care, "cap and trade," and other tax-spend-and-regulate plans – creates so much heartburn about whether businesses can make a profit? The word "profit" is almost an obscenity in the hallways of Team Obama. It’s suggested that the times are too hard for business to seek profits now – which guarantees more months of stagnant employment ahead.
Through it all, the media seem willing to extend to the administration the benefit of every doubt and the blanket assumption that every socialist premise is almost drowning in compassion – even as the hard times continue.
Ronald Reagan’s economic recovery program generated the greatest peacetime expansion in history. That is fact. To this day, the "news" media report it as a failure. Obama’s economic program thus far has been a disaster. That is fact. To this day, the "news" media "report" it as a "recovery." George Orwell would be proud.
Original posting: L. Brent Bozell III is the President of the Media Research Center.
Delusional Support
--Lawrence Carter
"Many even see in Obama a messiah-like figure, a great soul, and some affectionately call him Mahatma Obama."
-- Dinesh Sharma
-- Chicago] Sun-Times
-- Mark Morford
-- Jesse Jackson, Jr.
-- Barack Obama
-- Daily Kos
-- Steve Davis (Charleston, SC)
-- Commentator @ Chicago Sun Times
-- Halle Berry
-- Deepak Chopra
-- Gary Hart
-- Eve Konstantine
-- Chris Matthews
-- Toni Morrison
-- Ezra Klein
-- Gerald Campbell
-- Oprah Winfrey
-- Bill Rush
Moses, suposes...
December 29, 2009
Freedom Demolition
December 28, 2009
Chuck Norris Facts.
December 24, 2009
That Christmas Spirit
December 22, 2009
December 21, 2009
*facepalm* Common sense was shot off in the war...
It's tough for social engineers trying to create a better world. People *so* won't conform to ideology and keep acting like people. Clearly the solution is to punish the guinea pigs for failure to get with the program and for their ingratitude to the geniuses who are doing all this social engineering while remaining so unappreciated.
December 18, 2009
MSM Mythbusting (10 of 10) ClimateGate: It isn’t news if we ignore it.
December 17, 2009
My capacity of fitness bemusement
Thoughts about a 2000 year old thought.

MSM Mythbusting (9 of 10) Media Dismiss, Disparage and Attack Tax Day Revolution
December 16, 2009
The choosing of the gifts.
MSM Mythbusting (8 of 10) Media Swallow Obama Claim that Health Care will be ‘Deficit Neutral’
December 15, 2009
Gaming dynamics
MSM Mythbusting (7 of 10) Same Unemployment Rate: ‘Good News’ for Obama, ‘All’ Bad for Reagan
December 14, 2009
It's the most wonderful time...
Ice Core Data .vs. The Hockey Stick!
1. Alley, R.B. 2000. The Younger Dryas cold interval as viewd from central Greenland. Quaternary Science Reviews 19:213-226
3. Vostok Ice Core Data:
4. And special thanks to WattsUpWithThat,
MSM Mythbusting (6 of 10) Media Praise Clunker Program: ‘Too Successful’
MSM Mythbusting (5 of 10) Newsweek and Others Race to Proclaim Recession Over
December 13, 2009
MSM Mythbusting (4 of 10) Media Ignore Violation of Obama’s Middle Class Tax Pledge
December 12, 2009
MSM Mythbusting (3 of 10)
December 11, 2009
MSM Mythbusting (2 of 10) Media Ignore Failure of Stimulus Package to Stop Job Loss.
December 10, 2009
Household Emergency Plumbing.
Did I mention its cold?

Rare Event type cold! Long time residence are remarking this is like 1972!
MSM Mythbusting (1 of 10) CBS, NY Times Support Ecuadorian Shakedown of U.S. oil company.
December 09, 2009
Wil Wheaton
Brisk, cold, arctic, frigid, gelid, glacial, icy, polar bleak, cutting, raw chilly, parky crisp, frosty, nipping, nippy, snappy
December 08, 2009
More Climate shenanigans.
No Divorce for you!
December 07, 2009
Of Animals.
December 06, 2009
Feast of St. Nicklaus (Connor style)
CRU courting Big Oil
December 05, 2009
Have a Blessed Advent!
Enjoy this posting from The Curt Jester! (Warning, Pro-Catholic Zone)
I really admire those who buy a Christmas Tree just before Christmas and keep it up to the Feast of the Epiphany. Those who will not listen to any Christmas carols during Advent. Those that will say have a Blessed Advent instead of Merry Christmas during the season of Advent.
But I am weak, weak I tell you. This weekend I put up my Advent Tree. Yes that is what I am calling it and just because the exact same tree will also mysteriously become my Christmas Tree I am sticking to this story. It's an Advent Tree so don't annoy me about not being fully traditional and it will not come down till after Christmatide.
Though the Nativity set will not have the Baby Jesus in it till Christmas - there are some lines I won't cross. Plus I do wish people a Blessed Advent even with the strange looks. Though more and more Protestants are starting to see the purpose of liturgical seasons of Advent and Lent.
Plus so far I have avoided firing up my Christmas playlist in iTunes. Though I almost succumb to temptation and singing along with actual Carols played in stores. With the Christmas wars upon us once again and so many stores going out of their way to avoid the C word you have to wonder why they think Christmas Music won't offend people? Where are the Kwanzaa sing-a-alongs, Solstice Songs, and bows to atheism like John Lennon's "Imagine"? Plus here in Florida shouldn't we be upset by secular songs like White Christmas and other geographically oppressive songs talking about colder climes? After all a multi-cultural society teaches you that all other cultures but those anointed by secular elites are to be neither seen or heard. We have a culture with so much tolerance that atheist and others spend all their time banning nativities and other mentions of Christmas. Well I might have an Advent Tree, but I sure as hell don't have no "Holiday Tree."
December 03, 2009
High Infidelity
From Jimmy Akin.
It is now clear that, as I've held all along (in private conversations if not on the blog), the man-made global warming claim is based on junk science.
Key researchers have now been exposed as having massaged data to get the desired result, destroyed original data, rigged the peer-review process to keep contrary studies from being published--and then turned around an tried to discredit the studies on the ground that they weren't published in peer-reviewed journals--used junk code to analyze data--which even years of trying by a programmer couldn't fix--and flat out broken the law regarding Freedom Of Information requests.
And it's not just this one group of rogue scientists in England and America. The same thing has popped up in other countries.
Unless the next nine decades are very unusual, this is the scientific scandal of the 21st century. This is what Piltdown Man was to the 20th--only vastly worse since unlike Piltdown Man the warm-mongers have embarked upon useless enterprises on a global scale that, if fully implemented, would drastically constrict the world economy and thus (like a government takeover of medical care) kill vast numbers of people due to the effects of economic underdevelopment both in the third world and in the so-called developed countries.
We can only hope that this proves to be a learning experience--for science, for the public, and for the political class--and that the devastations the warm-mongers want to foist on the human population will go by the wayside.
I know there are some who are calling for the hacker(s) or whistle-blower(s) who exposed the data to be prosecuted, but whoever did this is one of the great heroes of science. They should be awarded a Nobel Prize (if nothing else, the peace price for all the lives that stand to be saved). The Roman Senate should vote them a full triumph (not just triumphal ornaments). And they should be given a lifetime supply of carbon.
Climatic Research Unit e-mail hacking incident
Climate change: this is the worst scientific scandal of our generation
Climategate and Scientific Conduct
Climategate: it's all unravelling now
Scientific Peer-Review is a Lightweight Process
Scientists Are Not Software Engineers
No One Peer-Reviews Scientific Software