December 31, 2008
Congrats Roland Burris!

December 30, 2008
More WoW entertainment
With 11.5million people playing, you get some pretty funny game based entertainment. This is courtesy of the Avatards.
December 28, 2008
The Craft of War: BLIND from percula on Vimeo.
December 26, 2008
Was thinkin...
December 25, 2008
Merry Christmas!

Luke 2:
December 23, 2008
Quotes that show how wrong people can be.
«Everything that can be invented has been invented.» Charles H. Duell, an official at the US patent office, 1899.
«This antitrust thing will blow over.» Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft.
Light Bulb
Space Travel
Atomic and Nuclear Power
«Who the hell wants to hear actors talk?» H. M. Warner, co-founder of Warner Brothers, 1927.
Other Technology
«Transmission of documents via telephone wires is possible in principle, but the apparatus required is so expensive that it will never become a practical proposition.» Dennis Gabor, British physicist and author of Inventing the Future, 1962.
«X-rays will prove to be a hoax.» Lord Kelvin, President of the Royal Society, 1883.
December 21, 2008
This is just getting out of control!!
Mice suspected in deadly cat fire
Mice or rats are thought to have chewed through electric wires
Mice may be responsible for a blaze that killed nearly 100 cats at an animal shelter near the Canadian city of Toronto, officials say.
The fire at the humane society shelter in Oshawa also killed three dogs and some rats that were up for adoption.
An initial report from the fire marshal says mice or rats chewing through electrical wires in the ceiling are likely to have sparked the blaze.
Offers of help have been pouring in from animal lovers across Canada.
"It's unfortunate and ironic that mice caused the fire that killed the cats," Toronto Humane Society spokesman Ian McConachie told the BBC News website.
"Unfortunately, the mice probably perished in the fire as well," he added.
The $250,000 (£137,000) fire is still under investigation by the Ontario Fire Marshal's office.
Mr McConachie said it would be some days before a final report would be released.
In all, only nine dogs, two cats and one rat were rescued in Wednesday's early morning blaze.
They are being housed in a nearby municipal shelter, while volunteers rebuild the burnt-down shelter for the Humane Society of Durham Region.
December 20, 2008
Majority rule? Not so faast.
December 19, 2008
Global slight of hand.
December 16, 2008
The Debate is far from over.
he CFL bulbs throwing Mercury into the landfill is just one of the stupid green practices. "We have to DO somthing!" is very different from doing something that makes sense.
What follows are some of the 650 noted scientists who spoke out against the "Debate is over" Man-made global warming myth. After that is a link to the PDF for the Senate Minority report:
“I am a skeptic…Global warming has become a new religion.” - Nobel Prize Winner for Physics, Ivar Giaever.
“Since I am no longer affiliated with any organization nor receiving any funding, I can speak quite frankly….As a scientist I remain skeptical.” - Atmospheric Scientist Dr. Joanne Simpson
“The IPCC has actually become a closed circuit; it doesn’t listen to others. It doesn’t have open minds… I am really amazed that the Nobel Peace Prize has been given on scientifically incorrect conclusions by people who are not geologists,” - Indian geologist Dr. Arun D. Ahluwalia at Punjab University and a board member of the UN-supported International Year of the Planet.
“The models and forecasts of the UN IPCC "are incorrect because they only are based on mathematical models and presented results at scenarios that do not include, for example, solar activity.” - Victor Manuel Velasco Herrera
“It is a blatant lie put forth in the media that makes it seem there is only a fringe of scientists who don’t buy into anthropogenic global warming.” - U.S Government Atmospheric Scientist Stanley B. Goldenberg
“Even doubling or tripling the amount of carbon dioxide will virtually have little impact, as water vapour and water condensed on particles as clouds dominate the worldwide scene and always will.” – . Geoffrey G. Duffy, a professor in the Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering of the University of Auckland, NZ.
“After reading [UN IPCC chairman] Pachauri's asinine comment [comparing skeptics to] Flat Earthers, it's hard to remain quiet.” - Climate statistician Dr. William M. Briggs, who specializes in the statistics of forecast evaluation, serves on the American Meteorological Society's Probability and Statistics Committee and is an Associate Editor of Monthly Weather Review.
“For how many years must the planet cool before we begin to understand that the planet is not warming? For how many years must cooling go on?" - Geologist Dr. David Gee the chairman of the science committee of the 2008 International Geological Congress
“Gore prompted me to start delving into the science again and I quickly found myself solidly in the skeptic camp…Climate models can at best be useful for explaining climate changes after the fact.” - Meteorologist Hajo Smit of Holland
“Many [scientists] are now searching for a way to back out quietly (from promoting warming fears), without having their professional careers ruined.” - Atmospheric physicist James A. Peden, formerly of the Space Research and Coordination Center
“Creating an ideology pegged to carbon dioxide is a dangerous nonsense…The present alarm on climate change is an instrument of social control, a pretext for major businesses and political battle. It became an ideology, which is concerning.” - Environmental Scientist Professor Delgado Domingos of Portugal
“CO2 emissions make absolutely no difference one way or another….Every scientist knows this, but it doesn’t pay to say so…Global warming, as a political vehicle, keeps Europeans in the driver’s seat and developing nations walking barefoot.” - Dr. Takeda Kunihiko, vice-chancellor of the Institute of Science and Technology Research at Chubu University in Japan.
“The [global warming] scaremongering has its justification in the fact that it is something that generates funds.” - Award-winning Paleontologist Dr. Eduardo Tonni, of the Committee for Scientific Research in Buenos Aires
U. S. Senate Minority Report
December 15, 2008
Imagine Global Warming
So in order to make your point you gather a bunch of data and make a graph, only to find out it does not illustrate your belief that man is throwing so much bad stuff into the air it is causing the planet to warm at an alarming rate. So you go back and massage the numbers until you get the desired graph. This is what Michael E. Mann, Raymond S. Bradley and Malcolm K. Hughes did and it is referred to as the the MBH98 reconstruction or the Hockey stick graph and it largely started the Global warming myth, which was renamed Man Made Global warming then Climate change.
It is the classic road to hell paved with good intentions. The Media picked up the ball and ran with it, regurgitating bad data without looking it up.
When politicians got ahold of this it stopped being important to have the facts, it became "the Big Lie" and a way to get funding for various things, it also got people elected and re-elected.
I actually do not have much disagreement with recycling, eating lower on the food chain, lowering electrical usage etc. I more rail against the censoring of real scientific debate over a subject that has become more important then feeding people. Anytime someone tells you "The Debate is over" they are selling something...
Some buried news items:
Nasa's Goddard Institute for Space Studies falsly announces October hottest ever
Panel on Climate Change scientist dismayed at Global Warming spending .vs. the poor.
scientific data on what is causing global warming is "contradictory"
The Oceans have stopped warming!
Global Warming Hits Mars!
Sun to blame for Global Warming
Finally a really nice Wiki entry.
Global Warming Swindle
December 12, 2008
December 10, 2008
MSM bias again.
Minnesota Senator, Norm Coleman's friend and benefactor is being investigated. MSNBC jumps all over the fact Sen. Coleman's is with the GOP.
So Democrat in trouble no mention of party. Republican obliquely associated with trouble, name party!
There is case after case after case of this double standard.
Fairness Doctrine for Radio? How about for the MSM?
December 09, 2008
That's what needs to happen here, is it not? We need to sell American cars. So Congress should go in and buy the cars and then sell them! They know how to get reelected. They know how to raise campaign cash. They know how to get and spend earmarks. They know how to get away with destroying certain businesses. Let them show us how to save one. Go in, buy the cars, and then sell 'em. Selling cars is hard work. We need the best and brightest for this. Obviously the dealership system isn't working. Obviously the way General Motors is doing it isn't working. "
Thank you Rush! (full credit to Mr. Limbaugh)
December 07, 2008
Just a note
Recieved and Stored
December 04, 2008
Brawl with the Presidents
Given the absurd above situation, which president would you want to have your back?
Gerald Ford popped into my mind. After all he did play center and linebacker with two back to back unbeaten seasons for the Wolverines.
Eisenhower was a fighting man, played some football at the Academy. I figure he could hold his own. Truman and Kennedy had some fight in them. Grant and Lincoln as well. Even George W. and George H. W., I think would have fared well. Washington, probably would have been a good choice.
Then my mind hit upon the only choice. Theodore Roosevelt, the man could kick butt.
December 03, 2008
Stupid man tricks.

Good Republican news. Or is it?
That means the scant remaining republicans actually have a say in the process by a filibuster, or obstruction. An attempt is made to infinitely extend debate upon a proposal in order to delay the or completely prevent a vote. If you can get enough votes (sixty) you can stop a filibuster.
In one way, I am a tad bit relieved that some checks and balance exist on the other side of the aisle. On the other hand, if the liberals do get what they want, that could bring a huge swing to the right in the next two elections. (President Jindal anyone? President Palin?)
December 02, 2008
Your Rights .vs. the Police
Anyways, a teen of someone at is now in jeopardy of loosing his scholarships. He had gone to a party which the police came to visit. He told "the truth" that he had tried glass of wine with his family for Thanksgiving Dinner.
informational link
As a fan of various cop shows, CSI, Life on Mars, Starsky and Hutch, Police Squad, I recall that the arrested guy usually spills and incriminates himself within a minute of sitting in the interrogation room. Of course this is a plot device to keep the story rolling. There is a subtle and sometimes overt programming that will influence people. It could be something that will clean your bathroom bowl, or change your brand of Beer.
So watching these shows could easily allow you incriminate yourself. It is up to "We the people" to know our rights and exercise them.
December 01, 2008
President does not qualify?
Now then, put on your make believe bonnets and say that President Obama turns out to have a fake Birth Certificate, tomarrow, what will happen?
For that we need look to the 20th amendment: "if the President elect shall have failed to qualify, then the Vice President elect shall act as President until a President shall have qualified; and the Congress may by law provide for the case wherein neither a President elect nor a Vice President elect shall have qualified, declaring who shall then act as President, or the manner in which one who is to act shall be selected, and such person shall act accordingly until a President or Vice President shall have qualified."
So then Biden would be sworn in as President. But wait! The amendment says he will act as President until a President shall have qualified.
So Peolsi and Dean could decide who should be president? **shudder** What a vague bunch of words that some court will have to figure out.
Until a President shall have qualified... Thank you 1933...
Gas Pricing
It must be great satisfaction, to some, due to the Oil companies taking such a hit fiscally.
November 30, 2008
Black Friday, when people get up way to early to buy things, was marred by violence. In every case I have read it was because of people behaving badly. The Toys-R-Us shooting and the Walmart trampling had any number of bad choices by people, mob mentality and just idiotic reaction. The common theme here?
November 29, 2008
My friends.
Thanks, its gonna be amazing.
Stella Joke
Found this, posted it, no offense Stella...
November 26, 2008
Holidays Christmas
He has Google News searches in November and December in each of the last three years :

2005-2007 News stories have overwhelmingly preferred "holiday shopping" on the commerce side, and have used "Christmas" over twice as frequently in articles about layoffs.

November 25, 2008
Higher learning Gouging students!
My mind goes back to an old posting and I wonder. Why not have these institutes of higher learning drop the tuition fees to help?
In this story one college kid bemoans his $2000.00 he owes. Hmmm, hey University of Arkansas, write this off? You taught him so well he will make a great alum someday right?
I mean, where are those MSM types who are going after these Greedy colleges?
Presidential Pardons
Bill Clinton awarded 140 pardons on his last day in office for a total of 396.
President George H. W. Bush. 75 pardons.
Oh the record holder (if it is something you can call a record) Franklin Roosevelt: 3,687
On the other end of the scale William Harrison Zero...
November 24, 2008
LA Times actually has something to read!
Not long ago I posted The real story of Thanks Giving (Triumph over socialism). A write up by Paul Schmidt. This is the true story from Plymouth Colony Governor William Bradford's diary. Somehow, someway, our school system lost or never had any of this information.
So Thanks LA times.
November 23, 2008
November 22, 2008
MSM is really full of crap.
There is this MSM out of context video going around that should never have made the news. Because it is George Bush however, this kind of crap is perfectly acceptable. Kudos's to Jeanne Moos, CNN for airing the correction.
If you bought into this crap, you may want to check your values.
Some US manufactures of auto-mobiles are not doing well. Depending upon what you read this is attributed to any number of things. The entire auto-mobile industry is not having the same problems. VW is up %15, China auto-makers are said to be looking to buy GM, Toyota and Honda are also doing well.
Some people think that regulation to make autos Greener is needed. Time Magazine
I think the national average wage being 40,405.48 and the high cost of labor making cars has something to do with it.
November 20, 2008
Family Matters
The best family situation occurs with two caring parents consisting of one male and one female. One of which is an involved stay-at-home parent the other is a competent provider. The further you move away from this ideal the situation worsens.
So if you have one caring parent, its less then ideal. etc...
November 19, 2008
Catholic Church .vs. Obama
The MSM has been squaring off the Church and our new president. The MSM is using interesting terms in describing Cardinal Staffords critique on President-Elect Barack Obama’s pro-abortion position. The reporting says it is a "scathing rant" and a "diatribe."
Umkay... Here is the audio from his speech.
A rant? A diatribe? Is there really anything new here? Obama and the Church strongly disagree on embryonic stem cell research, abortion rights and civil unions for gay couples. This this is pretty common knowledge (unless your Pelosi). I would not anticipate the Church to change stance on any of these topics anytime, Pres. Obama, being a politician may.
I feel these are very important moral arguments with harsh future implications that need to be stated and re-stated.
Civil Discourse at the highest level. CNN's 'story' is just vilification disguised as journalism.
November 18, 2008
Warcraft .vs. Parenting
First thing that popped into my mind, is how the news got ahold of this? Next was how distracted would a parent have to be to not notice the kid is on a game for 24 hours? Why did it take the kid having a seizure for the parents to realize that sitting on a game with little food and sleep, may be something they want to restrict?
Next David Brown (author) goes to the shrink view and yadda, yadda. The entire thing smacks as a scare, with nothing really of substance. For instance, why did Mr. Brown totally ignore the fact that WoW has parental Controls?
Every day of the week is broken up into 30-minute segments, and each segment can be set to "able to play" or "unable to play." As mentioned above, players cannot log in during a scheduled break, and if a player is already in the game when a scheduled break is set to begin, the game will automatically disconnect the player.
Mr. Brown, in my opinion, is a lazy reporter going for sensationalism over substance. What could have been a practical, informative artical, is now just another finger wagging hit piece.
November 17, 2008
Aside from some off kilter political beliefs (snark), he runs a software firm and has a blog (linked to the right as Delta Joe). I met him through Shoo, at Cal-Tech, way too many years ago. He dated my sister-in-law and tells a nice story of how I rescued him from living at LAX.
Anyways, I have always thought he had a passing resemblance for a certain actor, one of my favorite actors.
This is Christian Slater:
He currently has a show on NBC called My Own Worst Enemy.
Shoo and Rob
I do know we went to the same elementary school. Shoo recalls us getting into trouble in a class room and being made to sit apart from each other. Robert I recall playing around on the field and Roger K. being there. Forced to define a point in time were friendship occurred, would probably be in Cub Scouts.
Living in Southern California in the same suburban housing tract was wonderful. Being easily within running distance of great friends, still far enough away that you had to let your folks know where you were playing. And we had quite a mix of family dynamic to witness. I was the youngest of five. Rob and Shoo knew my sister Myrna. I am sure they met my various other sib's along the way, just not sure on the who and when. Having a 15 year gap between oldest and myself, makes for a family going in quite a few directions. Rob had one brother, Shoo had two. I was around for Darren's entry into the world. Both Shoo and Rob had fights with their brothers. Something I never had experience first hand.
We all had our back yards as well. Mine had a pool, Shoo's was huge with quite a bit of vegetation to hide in and play "shoot-em-up", add to that a tower and play fort. Rob had a small backyard guarded by a vicious dog that would eat you. That dog scared the crap out of me. I kept expecting it to tear Rob limb from limb when he went outside. Rob also had a tree house and "the ditch".
California had these series of open air rivers that would whisk away ran water. This was just over his fence, and we could go play there. Unless the helicopter came over, then we would jump back over the fence or hide.
We had quite an adventurous childhood. Plenty of camping, long scout trips, visiting with relatives, playing Lego's, eating baked Alaska, riding mopeds, going to the beach on county buses, various classes in various schools with various teachers.
Did we always get along? No. Any fights were few and far between. It was one of those things where you couldn't stay mad long. Not sure we ever apologized in a formal sense. We just forgave.
We participated in each others weddings, without expectation. We try to meet online every Sunday and Tuesday, that in and of itself is a blast.
Anyways, I have been thinking about the extended family concept recently. I wanted to shout out to my two non-blood brothers. My life is much richer for knowing them.
Thanks Rob, Thanks Shoo (thank yous posted alphabetically)
November 16, 2008
Sunday Funday
The unexpected crisis following Obama's victory.
I have no clue what this is about. It's just amusing and bizzare at the same time! International appeal?
November 14, 2008
Connor interactions
Example; he came into the bedroom the other day, he looked up and noticed I was looking at him. Unbidden he stated\asked "I have to go to the bathroom"
I responded "Go ahead" and he proceeded into our master bath.
If this had been a typical 10 year old this would be rather ho hum. I mean what is the big deal?
Well, first off, he recognized a non-verbal queue. He viewed my expression as questioning what he was doing there. This is huge for an Autistic, because they can be in their own world and facial expressions are usually ignored or not understood.
His sentence was full and appropriate. He used 'I' instead of 'Connor' and the context was in keeping with the situation. Finally, he waited for my response before taking action. So this was an actual full conversation, full interaction.
I soared a little bit, because that was such a normal everyday interaction, yet something that shows growth and potential in my son. You could see how the same interaction in another house with another father and son would be overlooked, or viewed as mundane. Possibly even annoyance.
In my case it was a moment of joy that I could blog about.
November 13, 2008
Light hartedness
Today, as odd as it seems. A somewhat light harted nature has woven itself through the Bloggernet.
November 12, 2008
My Brother in Law Jim, served in 'Nam my brother Kraig was drafted. While I did sign up for selective service, I never entered the military (I think my mom is happy about that).
Two of my friends growing up served stints as well, Mike R. took a turn at the Army, Ronn was a copter pilot in Desert storm.
Renae is a friend of the family, scratch that, an extension of our family. She is currently in the Navy.
It is a day late. Thank you for serving our country.
November 11, 2008
Obama, Barak
Just for the record President Barak Obama does have my support. He is my president. To paraphrase one of my smarter friends I am ready to give him a chance. One thing I am looking forward to is a little more unity. He claimed that as a goal in his campaign.
and my Pop: Well, it doesn't matter what anyone says, lets see what he does in office.
I do have a tang of worry for him. I do NOT wish him to fail. I have quite a bit of dissent for his idea's and proposals. As soon as the smug gloating is over, I might actually start reading liberal blogs again...
MSM posting advertisements as news..
So I stopped them and my strength came back. We tried a few different ones and had smiler side effects.
So imagine my surprise to see this headline: The Benefits Healthy People Receive From Statin Drugs
Then the other shoe dropped today from Doctor John McDougals site: Advertising Passed Off As Research Confuses the Public Again
Dr. McDougal is an advocate for healthy diet and exercise over medication, so he had an agenda. He does point out the serious flaws in the study and documents them as well.
If your Doctor wants to put you on Statins, stop them from running to the next patient and ask the questions to get info about side effects. Also, ask your pharmacist as well. If your reaction is anything like mine, it will near cripple you and it will come on so slowly you may not relate it to the medicine.
November 10, 2008
Can Obama win over the MSM??
At least the Washington Post seems to be capable of self examination. Deborah Howell "But Obama deserved tougher scrutiny than he got, especially of his undergraduate years, his start in Chicago and his relationship with Antoin "Tony" Rezko, who was convicted this year of influence-peddling in Chicago. The Post did nothing on Obama's acknowledged drug use as a teenager. "
Then Jennifer Rubin chimed in with a slightly different take: "The MSM is confessing. Yes, they were biased. Sure, they favored one side. But they don’t quite come out and say why. Worse, they show no inclination to do anything about it."
Oh, but do not get your hopes up that the old Media will start acting professional, As Reuters proclaims Media bias largely unseen in US presidential race ! Gah...
The big picture is this. The MSM lied by omission and turned tabloid journalism into daily headlines. If you thought that the news would look for truth to provide some kind of check and balance you were sadly mistaken. Luckily we have the New Media.
Where else can you find out that the Fed is hiding something, with the bail-out + spending bill that was ramrodded down our wallets?
November 09, 2008
Correcting the Internet
I have come across various TLA's and if they do not become apparent by context, I would do a google search on them. For example: Define MSM. The internet has quite a bit of information at your fingertips.
If you had looked up MSM you would have found the following link: urban Dictionary
- "mainstream media", major TV networks and large newspapers. Blogs are eating into MSM eyeball share.
- Abbreviation for "mainstream media". No matter who you are, they're not on your side.
"Hey, Republican friend, did you see that news story on Bush?"
"Yeah, the MSM is so biased."
"Hey, Democrat friend, did you see that news story on Bush?"
"Yeah, the MSM is so biased." - An acronym referring to the mainstream media The 'MSM' is pretty much everything but the blogosphere.
November 07, 2008
And so it begins

November 05, 2008
It pours
So we had a plan that would slowly build back up our savings and such, still we need to figure out my take home and all that good stuff. So, now the van breaks, and breaks bad. Transmission bad.
On the bright side, with the downturn in housing, all the property values went down, except the tax assessors who determined the values went up. So we have higher property taxes again. Whee.
Rahm Emanuel Obama chief of staff?
Certainly, there is nothing bland about Emanuel and never has been. Although he once won a summer scholarship with the Joffrey Ballet, he preferred the combat of politics. As a Democratic Party official, he once sent a pollster who was late delivering polling results a dead fish in a box. Old Clinton hands still laugh about the night after Bill Clinton won the 1992 presidential election. In his book, "The Thumpin': How Rahm Emanuel and the Democrats Learned to Be Ruthless and Ended the Republican Revolution," Chicago Tribune deputy Washington bureau chief Naftali Bendavid writes that, as about a score of them sat around a picnic table mushily declaring their love for one another, Emanuel picked up a knife and called out the names of different politicians who had "f–––ed us." After each name, Emanuel would cry out, "Dead man!"—and stab the knife into the table.
--Edited-- Turns out the first source I used was altered. This is a better link with better info.
November 04, 2008
So be it.
Time to rebuild and move forward. Hopefully, in 2010 we can get some Conservatives running.
Way back when this election kicked off I had a wish, That John McCain would NOT be voted President, I got that wish. Later on I had a wish that Barak Obama would NOT be voted in as President.
Looks like I'm at an even 50/50.
Palin 2012?
November 03, 2008
Great Election Quotes
An election is coming. Universal peace is declared, and the foxes have a sincere interest in prolonging the lives of the poultry. -- George Eliot
I'm older than dirt, I've got more scars than Frankenstein, but I've learned a few things along the way.-- John McCain
Washington, D.C., is to lying what Wisconsin is to cheese.-- Dennis Miller
Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly, and applying the wrong remedies.-- Groucho Marx
Ninety percent of the politicians give the other ten percent a bad name.-- Henry Kissinger
Do you ever get the feeling that the only reason we have elections is to find out if the polls were right?-- Robert Orben, humorist
Farming looks mighty easy when your plow is a pencil and you're a thousand miles from the cornfield.-- Dwight D. Eisenhower
Ideas are great arrows, but there has to be a bow. And politics is the bow of idealism.-- Bill MoyersEverybody knows politics is a contact sport.-- Barack Obama
To lodge all power in one party and keep it there is to insure bad government.-- Mark Twain
The politician is trained in the art of inexactitude. His words tend to be blunt or rounded because if they have a cutting edge they may later return to wound him.-- Edward R. Murrow
Thanks to Readers Digest http://www.rd.com/your-america-inspiring-people-and-stories/12-great-election-quotes/article104385.html?trkid=RINL2006
Grammar Police.
It is not a scholarly journal, term paper, or a literary work of any importance. Not something thats graded by an English teacher.
These are usually written on the cuff, quick, down and dirty. It is simply a laid back online blog for people to read and post comments. I welcome all but the profane and passive agressive. I personally find it obnoxious when someone "corrects" spelling or grammar unbidden. You know what I mean, so why do you feel the need to prove how smart you think you are?
I'm not impressed.
Do you correct the speech of those around you? I hope not, because it only makes you come off as pompous and condescending. Almost no one speaks true, proper English. Our dialect is casual. Get over yourself. Would a quick read through, spell check , preview hurt before posting? Of course not. But is it really that important? No, it isn't.
November 02, 2008
Our Entertainment Escape.
We got a TiVo and cut back on watching the tube. Instead of sitting down and hunting, we see if something we recorded is on.
TV used to be the magic glowing box that connected us (one way) to the rest of the world. Prior to that there was Radio, before that Newspaper, then town criers. So the microcosm of life would have been quite different back then. We now have the Internet and computers and while they are the primary connector to the planet for most of us, cell phones are poised to overtake the PC.
Television for all of its glory could do a fade out. Even now, if you miss a show you can watch the stream. It would be quite a reversal for the industry if standard television production went bye bye.
And it is happening. If you did not catch Doctor Horrible. That was the first baby steps into uncharted entertainment. There is still quite a hang up with how something looks, and linear production, that will change.
Smaller studio's, single brand advertisement, focus on quality over eye candy. It is going to be interesting to see.
October 31, 2008
October 30, 2008
Language Barrier when in another country.
When your in another country the language barrier can be a very difficult hurdle. As this video clearly shows.
Simon Pegg my BFF (Best Foreign Film star)
October 29, 2008
The real story of Thanks Giving (Triumph over socialism)

Back in High School I had an English Teacher who challenged us student in regards to our previous held notion about Thanksgiving. It was one of my first introductions into governmental differences, and how well they work.
With us on the final days before an election with a partisan media, and a very liberal with a heavily socialist supporting past. I thought it would be a good reminder.
Storied Link References at bottom of this page.
Did you know that the first [Plymouth Colony Pilgrim's] Thanksgiving was a celebration of the triumph of private property and individual initiative?
William Bradford was the governor of the original Pilgrim colony, founded at Plymouth in 1621. The colony was first organized on a communal basis, as their financiers required. Land was owned in common. The Pilgrims farmed communally, too, following the "from each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs" precept.
The results were disastrous. Communism didn't work any better 400 years ago than it does today. By 1623, the colony had suffered serious losses. Starvation was imminent.
Bradford realized that the communal system encouraged and rewarded waste and laziness and inefficiency, and destroyed individual initiative. Desperate, he abolished it. He distributed private plots of land among the surviving Pilgrims, encouraging them to plant early and farm as individuals, not collectively.
The results: a bountiful early harvest that saved the colonies. After the harvest, the Pilgrims celebrated with a day of Thanksgiving -- on August 9th.
Unfortunately, William Bradford's diaries -- in which he recorded the failure of the collectivist system and the triumph of private enterprise -- were lost for many years. When Thanksgiving was later made a national holiday, the present November date was chosen. And the lesson the Pilgrims so painfully learned was, alas, not made a part of the holiday.
Happily, Bradford's diaries were later rediscovered. They're available today in paperback. They tell the real story of Thanksgiving -- how private property and individual initiative saved the Pilgrims.
This Thanksgiving season, one of the many things I'm thankful for is our free market system (imperfectly realized as it is). And I'm also grateful that there are increasing numbers of Americans who are learning the importance of free markets, and who are working to replace government coercion with marketplace cooperation here in America and around the world.
Paul Schmidt
PS: A special thanks to long-time Advocate volunteer Cris Everett, who told us about this neglected bit of history several years ago, and who celebrates Thanksgiving on -- you guessed it -- August 9th.
-- copied from http://FreedomKeys.com/thanksgiving.htm which was copied from the Nov. 20, 1997 issue of THE LIBERATOR ONLINE at http://www.theadvocates.org/liberator/vol-02-num-21.htm
(Obama's Change = Socialism) A Vote for Obama is a vote for Change...
October 27, 2008
Life on Mars

Creating jobs... um... not really.
His economic predictions are pretty stark. Although, from Obama's stumping speeches to his posted 'plan' for making new jobs, I am tending to see Wiz's point.
Example: How is a $3000.00 tax break going to create one new job? It isn't. If you have a company, you are going hire a new person because you have a need. If it happens to get you a tax break, 'oh goodie' That will cover, two months payroll for this person? Although, for a political propaganda move it is brilliant. It gives you great talking points either way it goes.
The other day, while taking a shower, an idea popped into my mind. Lets say, if you have a parent stay home and you have at least one child age birth to 16. You pay no taxes. I figure you could add something like x number of hours of volunteer time at your kids school or church or shelters, certain public institutions, such as Libraries. Anyways, I thought it was the start of a great idea.
October 26, 2008
So, what could you do when you were 10?
Betcha it wasnt anything like this.... Wow!
What I do not understand is the polite clapping at the end.
Good things Happening
Moderates are jumping ship!
The Elite intellectuals in the conservative media kept saying we needed a moderate like McCain if we had any hope of winning the election. We need to Move to the Left. We need a bigger tent. McCain can get moderates and independents and Democrats to join the Republican Party.
...Yeah, I thought it was hogwash as well.
William Weld, Colin Powell, Scott McClellan, Chuck Hagel, recently decided that what they wanted is not what they wanted. Otherwise, moving to the Left does not work.
Back when we took both houses Republicans acted like they were the minority. It was maddening. They also expected to get the same love from the MSM that the democrats enjoyed. McCain found out that the MSM is a fickle mistress if your on the Right.
While I continue to be jaundiced at the MSM and polls that seemingly try to shape opinion rather then report on opinion. I can really see a silver lining in Conservatives taking back the Grand Ole Party.
After all it did take a Carter to get us Reagan. (Obama is a Carter!)
October 25, 2008
Why Blog?
- My Tina uses her blog as a Diary, I enjoy reading her insights into our mutual experiences.
- I enjoy Flying Vans adventure and heroics.
- Vince M's amazing house project,
- Byron and Paula so I can live vicariously.
- Ronn to joust, smile and peek into his life.
- Joe Delta to be fascinated at his insights and logic.
- Timmer to be confused at what he is on about or to just get irritated sometimes to laugh.
- Rocky Family for those wonderful twin pictures.
- George Family for catching up with his home life and ponder at his travels.
Among the chaff I am finding some great political blogs that do detail reasons, comment respectfully and demand to be respected in kind. I fully understand a passionate response, less so a vitriol one. Learning to be diplomatic, ignore snide remarks and refraining from the same, does require some practice. Although, there is a time and place...
Anyways, Steve sent me an e-mail, pointing out that people do read bogs, even mine. They may not understand, they may 'get' the mood of the posting and understand that some viewpoints have merit.
Stella pointed out in a comment that "A good Democracy requires civil dissent." and capped that with my own words "We should treat people one way and ideas another"
So thus enabled, I blog onwards, trying to heed my own advice, possibly failing, but always trying. As my mom is so fond of saying. I was a trying child :)
October 24, 2008
Shoo and the Blog-o-sphere
Shoo was thanked for his tenacity and candor by a Progressive blogger named Stella swiftspeech. Stella received the Uber Blogger award.
I agree that Shoo has an excellent command of presenting and defending his political beliefs, in a thoughtful diplomatic style.
Something I wished I shared. He is more Fred Astaire to my Quasimodo (dance analogy there).
So Congrats Shoo.
$150,000.00 smoke screen
CNN actually reported this:
CAMPBELL BROWN: ...[F]irst, as we do every night, we’re cutting through the bull -- a lot of sniping and a lot of stories today about Sarah Palin’s clothes. Politico.com reports that the Republican National Committee spent more than $150,000 on clothes, hair, and makeup for Palin on the campaign trail.
Now, these are not your tax dollars. This is money given by Republican donors to the RNC. But the report questions whether it's legal to use campaign cash for quote,’personal use.’ My issue: there is an incredible double standard here, and we're ignoring a very simple reality. Women are judged based on their appearance far, far more than men. This is a statement of fact. There has been plenty of talk and plenty written about Sarah Palin’s jackets, her hair, her looks. Sound familiar? There was plenty of talk and plenty written about Hillary Clinton’s looks, hair, pantsuits. Compare that to the attention given to Barack Obama’s $1,500 suits or John McCain’s $520 Ferragamo shoes. There is no comparison.
Women get scrutinized based on appearance far more than men, and look, I speak from experience here. When I wear a bad outfit on the air, I get viewer e-mail complaining about it, a lot of e-mail, seriously. When Wolf Blitzer wears a not-so-great tie, how much e-mail do you think he gets? My point is, for women, unfortunately, appearance is part of the job. If Wolf or Anderson shows up on the air without makeup, do you think you would even notice? I show up on the air without makeup, trust me, you’ll notice. This doesn't just apply to TV. All women in the public eye deal with this issue, and it’s for this reason that I think the RNC should help Palin pay for hair, clothes, and makeup. It is part of the job.
Now, you may think that’s an awful lot of money to spend on clothes, hair, and makeup, or you may complain, as some have, it’s hypocritical to sell yourself as a small-town hockey mom when you’re wearing designer clothes. That's fine. Just don't ignore the fact that there is a double standard here and personally, I think, in this campaign, with so much at stake, this is a peripheral issue. I myself have raised plenty of questions about Sarah Palin, much to the annoyance of the McCain campaign. But those questions have been about her qualifications and experience, never her appearance. Let’s keep the focus on what really matters here.
I am wondering why the MSM is ignoring that the Obama campaign deliberately disabled a basic credit card security check feature for donors. Like this example or this one.
Then we have all these polls which historically have been fairly close and now are all over the place. Is the idea that someone already won an election that has not happened supposed to sway people? Vote for a winner?
The press is also non-existant on the 401k butchery going around. The original story has been pulled from http://www.workforce.com/section/00/article/25/83/58 so here is the writeup before the write up. Until I can find another un-censored reference.
Sen. Obama's Socialist beliefs has been revealed by press crucified "Joe the Plumber" what should be the final nail in that coffin is likewise missing from the nightly news, his membership in a socialist party most of that info comes from here.
Folks, if you are counting on the MSM to bring you the facts you are sadly as out of touch as Joe Biden. Among his numerous, mostly unreported, gaffes in the Debate he claimed to go to a nonexistent Katie's Restaurant to learn the wants and needs of the middle class, it went out of business in 1986. Likewise unreported.
And just so you know I am checking various places about the Media Bias. shows I am far from alone.